Refill Putaway Zones


This activity is used to define how to refill parts on the specific site based on the putaway zone ranking. No refill of putaway zones means that no refill will be performed either automatically, manually or scheduled.

Note that the refill/optimization is using the same logic as for inventory putaway, meaning that it will evaluate putaway zones, storage requirements, standard putaway quantities etc. in order to store remaining parts on-hand on the best available locations.

There are three different settings that can be used:



A site must exist.

System Effects

The putaway zone refill functionality is defined.



Related Window Descriptions

Site/Extended Site Info/Inventory
Site/Extended Site Info/Inventory/General


  1. Open the Site window.
  2. Search for the site for which you want to define settings for putaway zone refill.
  3. On the Extended Site Info/Inventory/General tab, select the refill option you want to define for this site in the Putaway Zone Refill list.
  4. Save the changes.