Modify and Print Transport Task


A transport task can be created either in IFS/Inventory or in IFS/Receipt. You can then modify the task in Transport Task. This window can either be opened directly in IFS/Inventory or reached via several other functions. You can change the site and location. You also can print a transport task report from this window. The printout can be reprinted. Transport tasks are handled differently in different parts of IFS Applications. In most parts of IFS/Inventory, for example, transport tasks can be used for all kinds of goods. The same goes for receipt handling in IFS/Receipt.

The procedures below describe how to modify and print transport tasks in IFS/Inventory as well as in IFS/Receipt.


System Effects


Transport Task
Transport Tasks
Warehouse Task

Related Window Descriptions

Transport Task
Transport Task Lines
Handling Units on Transport Tasks

Warehouse Task  


When you receive parts in the receipt flow, follow these steps in the Receipt window:

  1. Either populate or query for the order number you require. If you have several receipts for an order, you must also select the correct receipt number.
  2. Click the Details tab.
  3. Select the line having a quantity due for transport > 0, right-click and then click Transport Task. The Transport Task Lines window opens
  4. Select the line having the transport task ID for which you want to print a transport task report, right-click and then click Transport Task. The Transport Task window opens.
  5. Optionally, you can make modifications to the transport task in the Details tab and the Available Single Lines tab.
  6. Save when completed.
  7. To print a transport task report, right-click and then click Print Transport Task.

When you receive parts in the receipt flow, follow these steps in the Transport Task window:

  1. Either populate or query for the transport task ID you require.
  2. Optionally, you can make modifications to the transport task in the Details tab and the Available Single Lines tab.
  3. Save when completed.
  4. To print a transport task report, right-click and then click Print Transport Task.

When you receive directly into inventory or when you are moving goods within inventory, follow these steps in the Transport Tasks window:

  1. Either populate or query for the transport task ID you require.
  2. Optionally, you can modify the transport task. To perform this operation, right-click and then click Transport Task. Make your modifications in the Transport Task window and save when completed.
  3. To print a transport task report in the Transport Tasks window, select the appropriate line, right-click and then click Print Transport Task.

When you receive directly into inventory or when you are moving goods within inventory, follow these steps in the Transport Task window:

  1. Either populate or query for the transport task ID you require.
  2. Optionally, you can make modifications to the transport task in the Details tab and the Available Single Lines tab.
  3. Save when completed.
  4. To print a transport task report, right-click and then click Print Transport Task.

When you receive directly into inventory or when you are moving goods within inventory, follow these steps in the Transport Task window:

  1. Either populate or query for the transport task ID.
  2. Optionally, you can make modifications to the transport task in the Details or Aggregated tab.
  3. Save when completed.
  4. Right-click on the header and then click Print Transport Task to print a transport task report.

When you receive directly into inventory or when you are moving goods within inventory, follow these steps in the Warehouse Task window:

  1. Either populate or query for the transport task ID you require and click the Transport Task tab.
  2. Optionally, you can make modifications to the transport task in the Details or Aggregated tab.
  3. Save when completed.
  4. Right-click on the header of the Warehouse Task/Transport Task window and then click Print Transport Task to print a transport task report.