Enter Safety Codes


Use this activity to create, modify, and view safety codes for inventory parts. The safety codes are used to enter information about hazardous goods, or to indicate if special handling or storage is needed. These optional safety codes are only advisory notices for the internal use of the company, and are not intended to meet legal requirements for handling of dangerous materials. This optional task is to be performed by a system administrator or equivalent person.

If inventory parts have specific safety requirements, you can create codes with descriptions and safety instructions, and then connect these codes to your inventory parts. Although these codes are used for informational purposes only, they can be useful in sorting inventory parts that have special handling or storage requirements. You can also include more detailed safety instructions as part of this safety code, if desired. For example, you might have materials that should be stored in cool areas, out of direct sunlight, or other materials that should be handled by workers wearing gloves or dust masks. Additional transport-related safety information can be entered for parts in the Part/Dangerous Goods Classification


There are no specific prerequisites.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Inventory Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Inventory Basic Data
Inventory Basic Data/Safety Codes


  1. Open the Inventory Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Safety Codes tab, and select New.
  3. Using no more than 6 alphanumeric characters, enter a safety code.
  4. Enter a description of up to 35 characters.
  5. Optionally, you can enter safety instructions of up to 2000 characters. Double-click in this field to open a text editor to be able to view the entire text of the instruction as you enter it.
  6. Save the changes.