Enter Planners


Use this activity to view, add, or delete planners for inventory parts. A planner is a person responsible for part availability. You must select a planner whenever an inventory part record is created, so planner records must be created in system before any inventory part records can be created. The task of creating planner records is to be performed by a system administrator or equivalent person.

Planner codes can be used to group inventory parts by areas of responsibility, for example, you might have certain planners responsible for raw materials, others responsible for electronic equipment, others responsible for service parts, and others responsible for a very narrow range of parts, depending in their individual areas of expertise. Note that the person with the role of planner cannot enter purchase orders. Only those who are entered as buyers in the system can enter purchase orders.


This activity requires that the intended planner must have been entered in the Person window in IFS/Enterprise.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Inventory Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Inventory Basic Data
Inventory Basic Data/Planners
Update Default Planner


  1. Open the Inventory Basic Data window.
  2. Select the Planners tab and create a new record.
  3. In the ID column, either enter the predefined ID (in IFS/Enterprise) of the intended planner or select it by using the List of Values. The name associated with the ID will populate. If a phone number has been entered in the Person window, and the communication method is set to Phone, then the phone number will also populate. It cannot be manually entered in the Phone No field.
  4. Optionally, enter a title for the planner in the Title field.
  5. Save the changes.