Cancel Rejected Count Report Lines


This activity is used to cancel the counting results that have been rejected.


A part on the count report must have been counted, and the result must have been rejected by the system.

System Effects

The count report line will be removed and the part location will no longer be frozen for counting.


Count Result Per Count Report

Related Window Descriptions

Count Result Per Count Report
Count Result Per Count Report/General


  1. In the Count Result Per Count Report window, populate or query for the count report with the rejected count results.
  2. Click the General.
  3. You can make use of the note displayed in the Note field. If required, you can modify the note before canceling the line.
  4. Select the appropriate line, right-click and then click Cancel to cancel a single result. In the upper part of the window, click Cancel All Rejected Lines from the Operations menu to cancel all the rejected results.