Handle Counting Using Count Report


Use this function when you want to enter the results of your physical inventory counting of inventory parts. The counting can be performed on a detailed or an aggregated level.


System Effects

If the parts are frozen while counted, they are released whenever the counting results have been reported and confirmed, provided they are not rejected by the counting limits. Then you can perform any inventory movement of the part(s) again.
Note: If the count result is rejected and the parts had not been previously frozen, they will become frozen until the count result is approved or canceled.

Any divergence between the quantity stated in the system and the quantity physically counted is shown in the created inventory postings and in the Acc Count Diff field in Inventory Part/Misc Part Info. This value is the total divergence for the inventory part. The counting difference per inventory part location can be seen in Query - Quantity per Location Details. In the same window, information about the last and next count date is displayed, including whether the part is frozen for counting.


Count per Count Report

Related Window Descriptions

Count Per Count Report
Count Per Count Report/Details
Count Per Count Report/Aggregated
Count without Differences
Count as Does Not Exist


Perform Counting on a Detailed Level

  1. In the Count per Count Report window, populate or query for the appropriate count report.
  2. Select the Details tab. The parts listed on the report are shown in the window.
  3. Enter the counting result.
    For each part where a counting difference has been discovered, enter the quantity counted in the Counted Quantity field.
    For the parts with no counting difference, you can either enter the result manually or right click on the line and select Count Without Differences. As a result of this, the line will be updated with the system quantity.
  4. If required, you can enter a note in the Note field regarding the counting results you have entered. (This note will be carried forward and displayed in subsequent windows for counting, and can aid you in decision making.)
  5. If the part is catch unit enabled, enter the catch quantity counted in the Catch Qty Counted field.
  6. Save when completed. It is possible to change the entered results until they have been confirmed without causing any effect on the quantity at stock.
  7. If the part is at receipt and issue serial-tracked, but not in inventory serial-tracked, and the quantity counted differs from the on-hand quantity then a dialog box will open automatically. If the counting difference is positive then enter the new serial number(s). If the counting difference is negative then select the missing serial number(s) by using list of values. Click OK when completed.

Perform Counting on an Aggregated Level

  1. In the Count per Count Report window, populate or query for the appropriate count report.
  2. Select the Aggregated tab. The parts listed on the report are shown in the lower part of the window.
  3. Select a handling unit or a location, right-click and select Count Without Differences or Count as Does Not Exist. Count Without Differences confirms the on-hand quantity of all the stock records attached to the handling unit or location. Count as Does Not Exist counts all stock records attached to the handling unit to zero. If only a part of the handling unit content is included in the count report, or the stock record is not attached to a handling unit, the selected activity will be performed on all stock records connected to the selected location.
  4. Counting on a detailed level can be performed in the lower table. The lower table has the same functionality as the Details tab.
  5. When the Handling Unit ID field is blank, the parts are not attached to a handling unit or only part of the content of  the handling unit is included in the count report.