Create Inventory Transaction Report Groups


This optional activity is used to group inventory transaction report types. Inventory transaction report groups can be used as input parameters when scheduling to create inventory documents. Using the groups as parameters it is possible to reduce the number of scheduled background jobs.

The direction(+,-, or 0) will control the transactions the report type can be connected to. The report type can only be connected to inventory transactions with the same direction. It is not possible to change the direction for a particular type once the record is saved. When connecting an inventory transaction report type to an inventory transaction report group, it is possible, only to connect types corresponding to the defined direction of the report group.


The required report types must be predefined in the system.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system groups the report types. 


Inventory Transaction Report  Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Inventory Transaction Report Basic Data
Inventory Transaction Report Basic Data/Report Groups


To create a new report group and to connect report types to a report group:

  1. Open the Inventory Transaction Report Basic Data window and click the Report Groups tab.
  2. Populate or search for the required company in the Company list.
  3. Create a new record in the Report Group list and specify the desired report group, e.g. RG1
  4. In the Report Group Desc field describe the report group, e.g. Report Group1
  5. Specify the direction in the Report Group Direction field. It should be entered as either +, - or 0.
  6. Save the record.
  7. To connect the desired report type, create a new record in the Report Type field and select the desired value from the List of Values. You can also use the Zoom feature and create a new report type in the Inventory Transaction Report Basic Data/Report Types tab.  
  8. Save the record.
  9. If you wish to copy the basic data that you just entered to another company, right-click on the header and then click Copy to Company. (Note: When the copy function is executed you will not only copy the report types, you will also copy the report groups and report type for transaction codes).
  10. The Copy to Company dialog box will appears.
  11. Specify the required company in the Company field. You can do so by using the List of Values.
  12. Click OK.

To connect a report type to an existing report group:

  1. Open the Inventory Transaction Report Basic Data window and click the Report Groups tab.
  2. Populate or search for the necessary company in the Company list.
  3. Populate or search for the required  report group in the Report Group list.
  4. Create a new record in the Report Type field and select the required value from the List of Values. You can also use the Zoom functionality and create a new report type in the Inventory Transaction Report Basic Data/Report Types tab.
  5. Save the record.
  6. If you wish to copy the basic data that you just entered to another company, right-click on the header and then click Copy to Company.( Note: When the copy function is executed you will not only copy the report types, you will also copy the report groups and report type for transaction codes).
  7. The Copy to Company dialog box will appear.
  8. Specify the required company in the Company field. You can do so by using the List of Values.
  9. Click OK.