Copy Warehouse Worker


This activity is used to copy a warehouse worker information to another new worker in a different site or a worker group. It is possible to copy a worker from one site or worker group to another site or worker group.

This speeds up the process of entering or coping a worker to a different site or a worker group. Also this will reduce the administration work.


A warehouse worker should exit.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Warehouse Task Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Warehouse Task Basic Data
Copy Warehouse Worker


  1. Open the Warehouse Task Basic Data window and click Warehouse Worker tab.
  2. Populate or search for the required worker ID.
  3. Right-click in the header area and then click Copy Worker. The Copy Warehouse Worker dialog box is displayed.
  4. If you need to copy details similar to the queried worker in the Copy from area, enter the required worker in the Worker ID field in the Copy to area. You can use the List of Values to enter the desired worker id. It is possible to change the worker group and the site of the copied worker as desired.
  5. If you need to change the site or the worker group of an existing worker, you can do so by entering the required site or the worker group in the Copy to area.