Planning Methods

Planning methods are used in Material Requirements Planning to determine how the lots are formed for the parts when new demand arises. Planning methods control the planning data you must enter for a part. When you enter planning data for the inventory part, you specify the planning method to be used when new requirements are planned. These planning methods are used both in MRP and in creating order proposals for purchasing. 

Choosing a Planning Method

It is not always easy to decide which planning method to use. The goal of a planning method is to balance the order overhead (the setup cost) with the stock keeping costs. Many times, you must use trial and error to find the best planning method for a part. However, when you are deciding on planning methods, be sure not to use a completely incorrect planning method or completely incorrect planning data. An example of incorrectly chosen planning information would be to choose planning method A, Lot for Lot, for screws and nuts used in several structures or to specify a minimum lot size of 1000 for an expensive part of which only one is used per week.

Here are some tips and guidelines for the planning methods:

Descriptions of Planning Methods

Following are descriptions of the planning methods. The example used for illustration assumes that scrapping factor, safety stock and safety lead time are zero (0) and that the onhand balance is ten (10).

A. Lot for Lot

This planning method means that the order quantity is equal to the actual demand of the period. It considers minimum, maximum, or multiple lot sizes. The demands are not combined unless they are from the same day.

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Demand   8 27 30 40 25 40 25 30 0 50
Calculated Balance 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Order Proposal   0 25 30 40 25 40 25 30 0 50

Example: When the quantity on hand decreases, order proposals are created with the same lot size as the quantity required.

B. Order Point Planning

The part is not affected by MRP. The order point and order quantity are specified in the inventory part register. When the quantity on hand falls below the order point, a new order proposal is created, which is shown on the order proposal list. The order quantity you enter determines the default order quantity.

C. Replenishment Level

The part is not affected by MRP. This planning method works in the same way as order point planning, the difference being that the order quantity is calculated as the order proposal quantity minus the current quantity on hand, which is the replenishment level. This value is useful if storage space for the parts is limited, e.g., storage in silos.

D. Fixed Lot Size

This planning method creates order proposals where the order quantity is fixed by the minimum and multiple lot sizes entered in the inventory part register. The fixed order quantity planning requires that the lot size, maximum, minimum or multiple quantity must be the same.

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Demand   8 27 30 30 25 40 25 30 0 50
Calculated Balance 10 2 5 5 5 10 0 5 5 5 15
Order Proposal   0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0 2*30

Example: The fixed lot size is 30. If the demand is over 30, more requisition lines will be created with the same demand date.

E. Least Unit Cost

The order quantity is calculated by using order overhead and stockkeeping costs. This is a variation of the Wilson formula. The method attempts to find the optimal order quantity by comparing setup costs and stock keeping costs. It attempts to minimize the unit cost to calculate how great a demand is considered in manufacturing the part. This planning method considers the minimum, maximum and multiple lot sizes defined in Inventory Part, if any specified.

If you manufacture the part often, the setup costs increase while stockkeeping costs decrease. If you manufacture the part rarely, stockkeeping costs increase while setup costs decrease. Somewhere, by combining demand into larger lots, you reach the optimal level, which is the least unit cost.

The calculation considers the following values:

Value Description
Order overhead The setup cost to start manufacturing
Number of days in inventory The number of days the part will remain in inventory if you schedule production of the part earlier.
Number of stockkeeping days per year The company's total number of stockkeeping days per year.

According to this planning method, MRP starts by calculating the stock keeping cost per day. This information is then used to calculate the unit cost. Stock keeping cost per day is calculated as:

Stockkeeping cost per day = Inventory interest * Standard part price
Number of stockkeeping days per year

The information about inventory interest is retrieved from the inventory part register and the standard part price is retrieved from cost set 1 (standard yearly costs in the inventory part register). The number of stockkeeping days per year is controlled by the default values you enter in MRP.

When the daily stockkeeping cost is calculated, the unit cost is calculated into the future until the least unit cost is found. The order is handled based on when the unit cost is least.

Unit cost = Order Overhead + Stockkeeping cost per day * S(Qty required * Stockkeeping days)

Total quantity required

The order overhead is retrieved from the inventory part register. The number of days in inventory is calculated as the number of parts in inventory times the number of days they remain in inventory.

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Demand   8 27 30 40 25 40 25 30 0 50
Calculated Balance 10 2 70 40 0 65 25 2 50 50 0
Order Proposal   0 95 0 0 90 0 0 80 0 0

Example: The inventory interest is 50%, the part's standard price is $264, and the order overhead is $100, which makes the stockkeeping cost per day $0.6. This assumes that the number of stockkeeping days per year is set to the default 220 specified at installation. On the second day, the estimated balance is 2, making the demand 27 - 2 = 25. MRP checks how many days' demand must be considered by calculating the unit cost.

Note: If the part's standard price is zero, the estimated material cost defined in Inventory Part/Cost tab will be taken as the standard price to run the MRP calculation.
Example: For weighted average part, there can be situations of having no price at the beginning.

The Calculation is:

Day 2: 100 + [(0 * 25)] * 0.6 / 25 = 4
Day 3: 100 + [(0 * 25) + (1 * 30)] * 0.6 / (25 + 30) = 2.15

The calculation derives 2.15, which is a lower unit cost than 4. The calculation continues to find the absolute lowest individual price.

Day 4: 100 + [(0 * 25) + (1 * 30) + (2 * 40)] * 0.6 / (25 + 30 + 40) = 1.75

The unit cost continues to decrease and the calculation continues one more day.

Day 5: 100 + [(0 * 25) + (1 * 30) + (2 * 40) + (3 * 25)] * 0.6 / (25 + 30 + 40 + 25) = 1.76

Now the unit cost and the calculation have found the breaking point for the lowest unit cost. Manufacturing will cover four days' demand, 95 pieces, at a unit cost of 1.75.

F. Part Period Balancing

This planning method is similar to the previous one. The order quantity is calculated by using the order overhead and the stockkeeping cost. This is also a variation of the Wilson formula. The method attempts to find the optimal order quantity by comparing order for order to see if the result approaches the optimal relationship between the order overhead and the stockkeeping cost. This planning method considers the minimum, maximum and multiple lot sizes.

The calculation starts by calculating the stockkeeping cost per day, using the same formula described for planning method E.

When the stockkeeping cost per day is calculated, demand is totaled so that the quotient between order overhead and stockkeeping cost per day is as close as possible to the optimum quotient. If the formula is rearranged a little, you see that MRP calculates the workday that lies closest to the day when the stockkeeping cost exceeds the order overhead.

Optimal quotient =

Order overhead

Stockkeeping cost per day

This means that MRP tries to calculate the economically optimum number of days a part can be kept in inventory by calculating the optimum quotient. The optimum quotient has the unit days. When the optimum quotient is determined, the number of stockkeeping days is calculated, which is the quantity in inventory times the number of days they remain in inventory, until stockkeeping days fall as close to the optimum quotient as possible.

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Demand   8 27 30 40 25 40 25 30 0 50
Calculated Balance 10 2 95 65 25 0 55 30 0 0 0
Order Proposal   0 120 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 50

Example: Inventory interest is 50%, the part's standard price is $264, and order overhead is $100, which makes the stockkeeping cost per day $0.6. This assumes that the number of stockkeeping days per year is set to the default 220 that was specified at installation. This makes the optimum quotient 100 / 0.6 = 166.7. On the second day, the estimated quantity on hand is 2, making the demand 27 - 2 = 25. MRP determines how many days' demand must be considered by calculating the number of inventory days, which is the quantity in inventory times the number of days they spend in inventory.

Note: If the part's standard price is zero, the estimated material cost defined in Inventory Part/Cost tab will be taken as the standard price to run the MRP calculation.
Example: For weighted average part, there can be situations of having no price at the beginning.

The Calculation is:

Day 2: 25 * 0 = 0 | 0 - 166.7| = 166.7.
Day 3: 0 + (30 * 1) = 30 |30 - 166.7| = 136.7.
Day 4: 30 + (40 * 2) = 110 |110 - 166.7| = 56.7.
Day 5: 30 + (40 * 2) + (25 * 3) = 185 |185 - 166.7| = 18.3.
Day 6: 30 + (40 * 2) + (25 * 3) + (40 * 4) = 345 |345 - 166.7| = 178.3.

After this, the number of inventory days increases and the calculation has discovered the breaking point for the least total cost. Manufacturing should occur for four days' requirement, 120 units.

G. Order Cover Time

If an order must be placed, the lot size is determined by the total demand during the order cover time, which is specified in days in the inventory part register. The order cover time can be complemented with minimum, maximum, and multiple lot sizes.

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Demand   8 27 30 40 25 40 25 30 0 50
Calculated Balance 10 2 95 65 25 0 55 30 0 0 0
Order Proposal   0 120 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 50

Example: The order cover time for the part is 4 days. On the second day, the estimated quantity on hand is 2, making the demand 27 - 2 = 25. MRP totals the demand, 25, with the demand of the four following days. The calculations for this period are:

Day 2: 25 + 30 + 40 + 25  = 120 The lot size is 120.
Day 6: 40+ 25 + 30 + 0= 95 The lot size is 95.
Day 10: 0+ 50 = 50 The lot size is 50.

H. Buffered Part

In this Order Code, order quantity or the MRP planned supply is created without considering all the demands fall in future considering the demands due today, past due demands and qualified order spikes only. It will also consider all the open supplies and on hand quantities. For H part, Net flow quantity can be calculated by considering all these parameters.

Net flow quantity = On hand quantity + Open Supplies - Past due demands - Demands due today - Qualified order spikes.

Qualified order spikes are the demands which fall within order spike horizon and which equals or exceeds the order spike threshold. Buffered part maintains buffer sizes, which consists of mainly red zone, yellow zone and the green zone. If the Net flow quantity derived according to the above equation falls below the green zone, MRP creates a plan supply order.

MRP plan supply quantity = Top of green zone quantity - Net flow quantity, Plan supply quantity will be further subjected to Lot sizing as well.

Demands will only exploded to the lower component from parent when there exists MRP Plan supply and it will be exploded to the MRP plan supply quantity.

Eg., A specific part has following zones and all the Demands and Supplies situation is shown below.

On hand quantity of the part is 150, Sum of past due demands is 40 , Sum of demands due today is 10, Sum of order spikes is 30 (note that demand 45 is out of horizon) and sum of supplies is 90.

So the Net flow =150 +90 - 40-10-30 = 160 which falls on yellow zone.

MRP Planned Supply Quantity = Top of green (350) - Net flow (160) =190.

K. Blow Through

This value does not apply to real parts, but it provides a way to transfer demand directly to parts on lower levels. The imaginary part is called a blow-through part, described as an in-between step in manufacturing, such as an assembly stage. The part can never be kept in stock, ordered, or planned by MRP. The onhand quantity is always zero.

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Demand   8 27 30 40 25 40 25 30 0 50
Calculated Balance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Broken down   8 27 30 40 25 40 25 30 0 50

Example: The onhand quantity is always zero. Demand is always broken down to lower levels.

M. Manufacturing Cell Part

MRP creates shop order requisitions for these parts but does not break down the demand for their components. Requisitions for parts with this planning method are not included in MRP until they are converted into actual shop orders. MRP considers the minimum, maximum, and multiple lot sizes when it generates shop order and purchasing requisitions.

N. Next Level Demand

Parts with this planning method are not processed by MRP. Requisitions for parts with this planning method are not included in MRP until they are converted into actual shop orders.

Parts with this planning method support planning with the pull principle. This means that the demands created by a customer order are processed as soon as the order is processed. If there is not enough of the part in inventory, a shop order or purchasing requisition is created.

This planning method makes sure that no parts are manufactured or purchased unless there is an actual demand for the part.

O. Level 0 Part

This is used in MS to calculate level 0. In the structure of a master schedule level 0 part, you can enter end products directly or use blow-through parts, also called phantom parts, as an intermediate step from the breakdown from level 0 to end product. Blow-through parts must have planning method T, which is intended specifically for MS.

P. Phantom Part

This is an alternative similar to planning method K, Blow Through. This planning method directly transfers requirements to parts on lower levels. The part represents an assembly stage and cannot be stocked, ordered, or planned by MRP. However, parts with this planning method can have a quantity on hand. The inventory is used as first priority to cover the demand for a phantom part. Remaining requirements are transferred directly to the components. This planning method can be used for spare parts.

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Demand   8 27 30 40 25 40 25 30 0 50
Calculated Balance 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Broken down   0 25 30 40 25 40 25 30 0 50

Example: No order proposals are created, as all parts in inventory have been used up. Demand is broken down to lower levels.

T. Master Schedule Blow Through Part

This planning method means that the part is a type of phantom part but is specially adapted for use in MS. Phantom parts are used to distribute forecasts from level 0 to level 1 in MS.