Set Post Maintenance Check Definition Active


This activity is used to activate a post maintenance check definition. Only one revision of a post maintenance check definition can be active at a point in time. If a revision of the post maintenance check definition is already active, it will be made obsolete when you select to activate another revision of the definition.

Only active post maintenance check definitions can be connected to faults and modifications. Once activated, the post maintenance check definition can be connected to the modifications and faults reported on the part revisions for which the definition is applicable and its belonging serials.

Some updates may be done on an active post maintenance check definition. These are, modifying the intervals (operational and calendar) defined on assigned parts, adding or removing part revisions from the definition, and adding or removing task cards from the definition. When an active post maintenance check definition is updated, a journal entry is created automatically for the update.


System Effects


Post Maintenance Check Definition
Post Maintenance Check Definition List

Related Window Descriptions

Post Maintenance Check Definition
Post Maintenance Check Definition/General
Post Maintenance Check Definition List


  1. Open the Post Maintenance Check Definition window or the Post Maintenance Check Definition List window.
  2. Search for the required post maintenance check definition that is in the Preliminary status.
  3. Right-click, point to Status, and then click Set Active.