Sequence Task Cards within a Maintenance Event Code


This activity is used to define a network of task cards and subtasks within a given maintenance event code (maintenance code, modification code, condition limit, fault function, life limit or post maintenance check definitions). This is done by defining predecessors for task cards within an event code and for subtasks within a task card, which would then represent the optimized sequencing of event codes to be performed within a maintenance visit. Note that the procedure for defining the network of subtasks within task cards is described in the online help file Sequence Subtasks within a Task Card.

The purpose of this activity is to support the process of sequencing the work for regular maintenance orders with connected events (i.e., non-ELS maintenance orders).


To perform this activity, task cards must be defined for an event code (i.e., maintenance code, modification code, condition limit, fault function, life limit or post maintenance check definitions).

System Effects


Task Cards per Maintenance Code
Modification Details
Condition Monitoring Program
Task Cards per Fault Function
Serial Part Revision

Post Maintenance Check Definition

Related Window Descriptions

Task Cards per Maintenance Code
Task Cards per Maintenance Code/Sequencing
Modification Details
Modification Details/Execution Type Info
Modification Details/Execution Type Info/Sequencing
Condition Monitoring Program
Condition Monitoring Program/Condition Category Info
Condition Monitoring Program/Condition Category Info/Sequencing
Task Cards per Fault Function
Task Cards per Fault Function/Sequencing
Serial Part Revision
Serial Part Revision/Life Limit
Serial Part Revision/Life Limit/Sequencing
Post Maintenance Check Definition
Post Maintenance Check Definition/Part Revision Info
Post Maintenance Check Definition/Part Revision Info/Sequencing


General Procedure:

  1. In the Preceding Task Card ID field, enter the predecessor. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  2. In the Task Card ID field, enter the task card. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  3. Save the information (F12).

For Maintenance Codes:

  1. Open the Task Cards per Maintenance Code window and query (F3) for the necessary part revision and/or maintenance code.
  2. Click the Sequencing tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. Continue with the steps described under General Procedure.

For Modification Codes:

  1. Open the Modification Details window and query (F3) for the necessary part revision and/or modification code.
  2. Click the Execution Type Info tab and then click the Sequencing sub tab.
  3. Continue with the steps described under General Procedure.

For Condition Limits:

  1. Open the Condition Monitoring Program window and query (F3) for the necessary part revision.
  2. Click the Condition Category Info tab and select the necessary condition limit.
  3. Click the Sequencing tab and continue with the steps described under General Procedure.

For Fault Functions:

  1. Open the Task Cards per Fault Function window and query (F3) for the necessary fault function.
  2. Click the Sequencing tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. Continue with the steps described under General Procedure.

For Life Limits:

  1. Open the Serial Part Revision window and query (F3) for the necessary part revision.
  2. Click the Life Limit tab.
  3. If you need to retrieve all the stress rating values for the selected part revision, right-click, and then click Get Stress Ratings.
  4. In the Stress Ratings table select the relevant stress rating record, and then click the Sequencing tab.
  5. Create a new record (F5).
  6. Continue with the steps described under General Procedure.

For Post Maintenance Check Definitions:

  1. Open the Post Maintenance Check Definition window.
  2. Search for the required post maintenance check definition.
  3. Click the Part Revision Info tab.
  4. Select the relevant part revision from the Part Number list.
  5. Click the Sequencing tab and continue with the steps described under General Procedure.