Add or Remove Connection to Task Card


This activity is used to connect task cards and/or remove task cards from maintenance event codes (i.e., maintenance codes, condition limits, modifications, fault functions, life limit, and post maintenance checks). A task card consist of resources, material, zones and access panels, sign off requirements, criticalities, condition measurements, and subtasks. Task cards can be broken down into more detailed activities referred to as subtasks.

Note that the task card criticality can only be entered in the Task Card window.

For more information on how to register a task card, refer the online help file Define Task Card.


System Effects


Task Cards per Maintenance Code  
Condition Monitoring Program

Modification Details
Task Cards per Fault Function
Serial Part Revision
Post Maintenance Check Definition

Related Window Descriptions

Task Cards per Maintenance Code  
Task Cards per Maintenance Code/Task Cards
Condition Monitoring Program
Condition Monitoring Program/Condition Category Info
Condition Monitoring Program/Condition Category Info/Task Cards
Modification Details
Modification Details/Execution Type Info
Modification Details/Execution Type Info/Task Cards
Task Cards per Fault Function
Task Cards per Fault function/Task Cards
Serial Part Revision
Serial Part Revision/Life Limit
Serial Part Revision/Life Limit/Task Cards
Post Maintenance Check Definition
Post Maintenance Check Definition/Part Revision Info
Post Maintenance Check Definition/Part Revision Info/Task Cards


Maintenance Codes

Add an existing task card to the maintenance code:

  1. Open the Maintenance Plan window and search for the desired maintenance program revision. This is the maintenance program that contains the maintenance code to which the task card is to be connected.
  2. Click the Intervals tab.
  3. Select the row that contains the required maintenance code, right-click and click Task Cards per Maintenance Code. The Task Cards per Maintenance Code window opens. Alternatively, open the Task Cards per Maintenance Code window directly from the navigator.
  4. Click the Task Cards tab and create a new record (F5).
  5. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card you want connected to the maintenance code. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. Save the record (F12).
  7. Resources, material and subtasks connected to the task card will be retrieved automatically and displayed in the relevant tabs.

Create a new task card (i.e., a task card with resources and material) for the maintenance code:

  1. Open the Task Cards per Maintenance Code window and search for the desired part revision and maintenance code.
  2. Click the Task Cards tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Task Card ID field, enter the identity of the new task card.
  4. In the Task Card Revision field, enter the revision of the task card.
  5. In the Task Card Description field, enter the description of the task card.
  6. In the Duration field, enter the planned duration of the task card, in hours.
  7. In the Work Description field, enter a description of the work that is to be performed on the task card.
  8. If the part revision for which the task card is being created is connected to a product model, values for the Product Number and Model Number appear automatically. If not, use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  9. The fields Function Number, Sub Function, and Bottom Function describe where in the function structure the work should be performed. The function structure is defined for the product model. Whether a value in these fields is optional or mandatory to enter is controlled by the settings for the FUNCTION_LEVEL_INSTR and FUNC_LEVEL_INSTR_VEH object properties.
  10. Save the record (F12).
  11. Click the Resources tab to define resource requirements for the task card.
  12. Create a new record (F5).
  13. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  14. In the Demand Type field, select the type of resource, i.e., whether a person group or tool/equipment is required.
  15. In the Resource Group field, select the ID of the resource. Depending on the demand type, the list of values will list all person groups or tool/equipment groups that are valid for use in Maintenance.
  16. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the required resource quantity.
  17. Additional information on the resource requirement can be entered in the Remark field. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  18. Save the information (F12).
  19. Click the Material Usage tab to define material requirements for the task card.
  20. Create a new record (F5).
  21. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  22. In the Sub Part Number field, enter the part number of the material that is to be used for the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  23. The sub part revision is displayed automatically in the Sub Part Revision field. You can use the List of Values to change to a different sub part revision, if needed.
  24. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the quantity of material (i.e., the selected part revision) that is to be used for the task card.
  25. Save the record (F12).

Remove a task card from the maintenance code:

  1. Open the Task Cards per Maintenance Code window and search for the desired part revision and maintenance code.
  2. Click the Task Cards tab.
  3. Select the row that contains the task card that is to be removed, right-click, and then click Remove Connection. The Remove Connection dialog box opens.
  4. If you only want to remove the connection to the task card, click OK.
  5. If you want to remove both the connection and the task card itself, select the Remove connection and the task card or the subtask check box. Note: If the task card that is to be removed is included in a sequence, the Sequencing is defined and will be removed check box will be selected automatically.
  6. Click OK.

Condition Limits

Add an existing task card to the condition limit:

  1. Open the Condition Monitoring Program window and search for the desired part revision. This is the part revision of the condition limit to which the task card is to be connected.
  2. Click the Condition Category Info tab.
  3. Select a condition category from the values in the Condition Category list.
  4. Click the Task Cards tab and create a new record (F5).
  5. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card you want connected to the condition limit. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. Save the record (F12).
  7. Resources, material and subtasks connected to the task card will be retrieved automatically and displayed in the relevant tabs.

Create a new task card (i.e., a task card with resources and material) for the condition limit:

  1. Open the Condition Monitoring Program window and search for the desired part revision.
  2. Click the Condition Category Info tab.
  3. Select a condition category from the values in the Condition Category list.
  4. Click the Task Cards tab and create a new record (F5).
  5. In the Task Card ID field, enter the identity of the new task card.
  6. In the Task Card Revision field, enter the revision of the task card.
  7. In the Task Card Description field, enter the description of the task card.
  8. In the Duration field, enter the planned duration of the task card, in hours.
  9. In the Work Description field, enter a description of the work that is to be performed on the task card.
  10. If the part revision for which the task card is being created is connected to a product model, values for the Product Number and Model Number appear automatically. If not, use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  11. The fields Function Number, Sub Function, and Bottom Function describe where in the function structure the work should be performed. The function structure is defined for the product model. Whether a value in these fields is optional or mandatory to enter is controlled by the settings for the FUNCTION_LEVEL_INSTR and FUNC_LEVEL_INSTR_VEH object properties.
  12. Save the record (F12).
  13. Click the Resources tab to define resource requirements for the task card.
  14. Create a new record (F5).
  15. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  16. In the Demand Type field, select the type of resource, i.e., whether a person group or tool/equipment is required.
  17. In the Resource Group field, select the ID of the resource. Depending on the demand type, the list of values will list all person groups or tool/equipment groups that are valid for use in Maintenance.
  18. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the required resource quantity.
  19. Additional information on the resource requirement can be entered in the Remark field. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  20. Save the information (F12).
  21. Click the Material Usage tab to connect materials to the task card.
  22. Create a new record (F5).
  23. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  24. In the Sub Part Number field, enter the part number of the material that is to be used for the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  25. The sub part revision is displayed automatically in the Sub Part Revision field. You can use the List of Values to change to a different sub part revision, if needed.
  26. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the quantity of material (i.e., the selected part revision) that is to be used for the task card.
  27. Save the record (F12).

Remove a task card from the condition limit:

  1. Open the Condition Monitoring Program window and search for the desired part revision and condition limit.
  2. Click the Condition Category Info tab.
  3. Select the condition category of the task card from the values in the Condition Category list.
  4. Click the Task Cards tab.
  5. Select the row that contains the task card that is to be removed, right-click, and then click Remove Connection. The Remove Connection dialog box opens.
  6. If you only want to remove the connection to the task card, click OK.
  7. If you want to remove both the connection and the task card itself, select the Remove connection and the task card or the subtask check box. Note: If the task card that is to be removed is included in a sequence, the Sequencing is defined and will be removed check box will be selected automatically.
  8. Click OK.


Add an existing task card to the modification:

  1. Open the Modification Details window and search for the desired modification revision.
  2. Click the Execution Type Info tab.
  3. Select the modification execution type from the values in the Mod Execution Type list.
  4. Click the Task Cards tab and create a new record (F5).
  5. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card you want connected to the modification. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. Save the record (F12).
  7. Resources, material and subtasks connected to the task card will be retrieved automatically and displayed in the relevant tabs.

Create a new task card (i.e., a task card with resources and material) for the modification:

  1. Open the Modification Details window and search for the desired modification revision.
  2. Click the Execution Type Info tab.
  3. Select a modification execution type from the values in the Mod Execution Type list.
  4. Click the Task Cards tab and create a new record (F5).
  5. In the Task Card ID field, enter the identity of the new task card.
  6. In the Task Card Revision field, enter the revision of the task card.
  7. In the Task Card Description field, enter the description of the task card.
  8. In the Duration field, enter the planned duration of the task card, in hours.
  9. In the Work Description field, enter a description of the work that is to be performed on the task card.
  10. If the part revision for which the task card is being created is connected to a product model, values for the Product Number and Model Number appear automatically. If not, use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  11. The fields Function Number, Sub Function, and Bottom Function describe where in the function structure the work should be performed. The function structure is defined for the product model. Whether a value in these fields is optional or mandatory to enter is controlled by the settings for the FUNCTION_LEVEL_INSTR and FUNC_LEVEL_INSTR_VEH object properties.
  12. Save the record (F12).
  13. Click the Resources tab to define resource requirements for the task card.
  14. Create a new record (F5).
  15. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  16. In the Demand Type field, select the type of resource, i.e., whether a person group or tool/equipment is required.
  17. In the Resource Group field, select the ID of the resource. Depending on the demand type, the list of values will list all person groups or tool/equipment groups that are valid for use in Maintenance.
  18. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the required resource quantity.
  19. Additional information on the resource requirement can be entered in the Remark field. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  20. Click the Material Usage tab to connect materials to the task card.
  21. Create a new record (F5).
  22. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  23. In the Sub Part Number field, enter the part number of the material that is to be used for the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  24. The sub part revision is displayed automatically in the Sub Part Revision field. You can use the List of Values to change to a different sub part revision, if needed.
  25. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the quantity of material (i.e., the selected part revision) that is to be used for the task card.
  26. Save the record (F12).

Remove a task card from the modification:

  1. Open the Modification Details window and search for the desired modification revision.
  2. Click the Execution Type Info tab.
  3. Select the modification execution type from the values in the Mod Execution Type list.
  4. Click the Task Cards tab.
  5. Select the row that contains the task card that is to be removed, right-click, and then click Remove Connection. The Remove Connection dialog box opens.
  6. If you only want to remove the connection to the task card, click OK.
  7. If you want to remove both the connection and the task card itself, select the Remove connection and the task card or the subtask check box. Note: If the task card that is to be removed is included in a sequence, the Sequencing is defined and will be removed check box will be selected automatically.
  8. Click OK.

Fault Functions

Add an existing task card to the fault function:

  1. Open the Task Cards per Fault Function window and search for the desired product model and fault function. This is the fault function to which the task card is to be connected.
  2. Click the Task Cards tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Part Number field, enter the part number of the part for which the task card is valid. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  4. In the Part Revision field, enter the part revision of the part for which the task card is valid. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  5. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card you want connected to the fault function. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. Save the record (F12).
  7. Resources, material and subtasks connected to the task card will be retrieved automatically and displayed in the relevant tabs.

Create a new task card (i.e., a  task card with resources and material) for the fault function:

  1. Open the Task Cards per Fault Function window and search for the desired product model and fault function.
  2. Click the Task Cards tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Part Number field, enter the part number of the part for which the task card is valid. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  4. In the Part Revision field, enter the part revision of the part for which the task card is valid. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  5. In the Task Card ID field, enter the identity of the new task card.
  6. In the Task Card Revision field, enter the revision of the task card.
  7. In the Task Card Description field, enter the description of the task card.
  8. In the Duration field, enter the planned duration of the task card, in hours.
  9. In the Work Description field, enter a description of the work that is to be performed on the task card.
  10. If the part revision for which the task card is being created is connected to a product model, values for the Product Number and Model Number appear automatically. If not, use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  11. The fields Function Number, Sub Function, and Bottom Function describe where in the function structure the work should be performed. The function structure is defined for the product model. Whether a value in these fields is optional or mandatory to enter is controlled by the settings for the FUNCTION_LEVEL_INSTR and FUNC_LEVEL_INSTR_VEH object properties.
  12. Save the record (F12).
  13. Click the Resources tab to define resource requirements for the task card.
  14. Create a new record (F5).
  15. In the Part Number field, use the List of Values to select the part revision for which the task card is valid.
  16. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  17. In the Demand Type field, select the type of resource, i.e., whether a person group or tool/equipment is required.
  18. In the Resource Group field, select the ID of the resource. Depending on the demand type, the list of values will list all person groups or tool/equipment groups that are valid for use in Maintenance.
  19. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the required resource quantity.
  20. Additional information on the resource requirement can be entered in the Remark field. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  21. Save the record (F12).
  22. Click the Material Usage tab to connect materials to the task card.
  23. Create a new record (F5).
  24. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  25. In the Sub Part Number field, enter the part number of the material that is to be used for the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  26. The sub part revision is displayed automatically in the Sub Part Revision field. You can use the List of Values to change to a different sub part revision, if needed.
  27. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the quantity of material (i.e., the selected part revision) that is to be used for the task card.
  28. Save the record (F12).

Remove a task card from the fault function:

  1. Open the Task Cards per Fault Function window and search for the desired product model and fault function.
  2. Click the Task Cards tab.
  3. Select the row that contains the task card that is to be removed, right-click, and then click Remove Connection. The Remove Connection dialog box opens.
  4. If you only want to remove the connection to the task card, click OK.
  5. If you want to remove both the connection and the task card itself, select the Remove connection and the task card or the subtask check box. Note: If the task card that is to be removed is included in a sequence, the Sequencing is defined and will be removed check box will be selected automatically.
  6. Click OK.

Life Limits

Add an existing task card to the life limit on a life limited part (LLP):

  1. Open the Serial Part Revision window and search for the desired part revision.
  2. Click the Life Limit tab.
  3. If you need to retrieve all the stress rating values for the selected part revision, right-click, and then click Get Stress Ratings.
  4. Select the row containing the stress rating to which the task card is to be connected, and then click the Task Cards sub tab.
  5. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. Save the record (F12).
  7. Resources, material and subtasks connected to the task card will be retrieved automatically and displayed in the relevant tabs.

Create a new task card (i.e., a task card with resources and material) for the life limit:

  1. Open the Serial Part Revision window and search for the desired part revision.
  2. Click the Life Limit tab.
  3. If you need to retrieve all the stress rating values for the selected part revision, right-click, and then click Get Stress Ratings.
  4. Select the row containing the stress rating for which a task card is to be defined, and then click the Task Cards sub tab.
  5. Create a new record (F5).
  6. In the Task Card ID field, enter the identity of the new task card.
  7. In the Task Card Revision field, enter the revision of the task card.
  8. In the Task Card Description field, enter the description of the task card.
  9. In the Duration field, enter the planned duration of the task card, in hours.
  10. In the Work Description field, enter a description of the work that is to be performed on the task card.
  11. If the part revision for which the task card is being created is connected to a product model, values for the Product Number and Model Number appear automatically. If not, use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  12. The fields Function Number, Sub Function, and Bottom Function describe where in the function structure the work should be performed. The function structure is defined for the product model. Whether a value in these fields is optional or mandatory to enter is controlled by the settings for the FUNCTION_LEVEL_INSTR and FUNC_LEVEL_INSTR_VEH object properties.
  13. Save the record (F12).
  14. Click the Resources tab to define resource requirements for the task card.
  15. Create a new record (F5).
  16. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  17. In the Demand Type field, select the type of resource, i.e., whether a person group or tool/equipment is required.
  18. In the Resource Group field, select the ID of the resource. Depending on the demand type, the list of values will list all person groups or tool/equipment groups that are valid for use in Maintenance.
  19. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the required resource quantity.
  20. Additional information on the resource requirement can be entered in the Remark field. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  21. Save the record (F12).
  22. Click the Material Usage tab to connect materials to the task card.
  23. Create a new record (F5).
  24. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  25. In the Sub Part Number field, enter the part number of the material that is to be used for the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  26. The sub part revision is displayed automatically in the Sub Part Revision field. You can use the List of Values to change to a different sub part revision, if needed.
  27. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the quantity of material (i.e., the selected part revision) that is to be used for the task card.
  28. Save the record (F12).

Remove a task card from the life limit:

  1. Open the Serial Part Revision window and search for the desired part revision.
  2. Click the Life Limit tab.
  3. Select the row containing the stress rating from which you want to remove a task card, and then click the Task Cards sub tab.
  4. Select the relevant task card, right-click, and then click Remove Connection. The Remove Connection dialog box opens.
  5. If you only want to remove the connection to the task card, click OK.
  6. If you want to remove both the connection and the task card itself, select the Remove connection and the task card or the subtask check box. Note: If the task card that is to be removed is included in a sequence, the Sequencing is defined and will be removed check box will be selected automatically.
  7. Click OK.

Post Maintenance Checks

Add an existing task card to the post maintenance check definition:

  1. Open the Post Maintenance Check Definition window.
  2. Search for the desired post maintenance check definition.
  3. Click the Part Revision Info tab.
  4. Select the relevant part revision from the Part Number list.
  5. Click the Task Cards tab and create a new record (F5).
  6. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID task card you want connected to the post maintenance check definition. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  7. Save the record (F12).
  8. Resources, material and subtasks connected to the task card will be retrieved automatically and displayed in the relevant tabs.

Create a new task card (i.e., a task card with resources and material) for the post maintenance check definition:

  1. Open the Post Maintenance Check Definition window.
  2. Search for the required post maintenance check definition.
  3. Click the Part Revision Info tab.
  4. Select the relevant part revision from the Part Number list.
  5. Click the Task Cards tab and create a new record (F5).
  6. In the Task Card ID field, enter the identity of the new task card.
  7. In the Task Card Revision field, enter the revision of the task card.
  8. In the Task Card Description field, enter the description of the task card.
  9. In the Duration field, enter the planned duration of the task card, in hours.
  10. In the Work Description field, enter a description of the work that is to be performed on the task card.
  11. If the part revision for which the task card is being created is connected to a product model, values for the Product Number and Model Number appear automatically. If not, use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  12. The fields Function Number, Sub Function, and Bottom Function describe where in the function structure the work should be performed. The function structure is defined for the product model. Whether a value in these fields is optional or mandatory to enter is controlled by the settings for the FUNCTION_LEVEL_INSTR and FUNC_LEVEL_INSTR_VEH object properties.
  13. Save the record (F12).
  14. Click the Resources tab to define resource requirements for the task card.
  15. Create a new record (F5).
  16. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  17. In the Demand Type field, select the type of resource, i.e., whether a person group or tool/equipment is required.
  18. In the Resource Group field, select the ID of the resource. Depending on the demand type, the list of values will list all person groups or tool/equipment groups that are valid for use in Maintenance.
  19. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the required resource quantity.
  20. Additional information on the resource requirement can be entered in the Remark field. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  21. Save the record (F12).
  22. Click the Material Usage tab to connect materials to the task card.
  23. Create a new record (F5).
  24. In the Task Card ID field, enter the ID of the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  25. In the Sub Part Number field, enter the part number of the material that is to be used for the task card. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  26. The sub part revision is displayed automatically in the Sub Part Revision field. You can use the List of Values to change to a different sub part revision, if needed.
  27. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the quantity of material (i.e., the selected part revision) that is to be used for the task card.
  28. Save the record (F12).

Remove a task card from the post maintenance check definition:

  1. Open the Post Maintenance Check Definition window.
  2. Search for the desired post maintenance check definition.
  3. Click the Part Revision Info tab.
  4. Select the relevant part revision from the Part Number list.
  5. Click the Task Cards tab.
  6. Select the row that contains the task card that is to be removed, right-click, and then click Remove Connection. The Remove Connection dialog box opens.
  7. If you only want to remove the connection to the task card, click OK.
  8. If you want to remove both the connection and the task card itself, select the Remove connection and the task card or the subtask check box. Note: If the task card that is to be removed is included in a sequence, the Sequencing is defined and will be removed check box will be selected automatically.
  9. Click OK.