Transfer New Template Structure to Site


Use this activity to initiate a new transfer of a top part revision to a destination site. The transfer process creates the needed inventory parts, manufacturing part revisions and manufacturing structure data.


This activity requires that:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Transfer Template Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Transfer Template Structure/Transfer to Site


  1. Open the Transfer Template Structure window.
  2. Retrieve the top part revision, either by clicking Populate (F2) or by making a selective query (F3).
  3. The suggested New Phase In Date will be the Site Date if the top part has never been transferred, otherwise the suggested New Phase In Date will be one day after the Last Phase In Date or the Site Date, whichever is later. You can modify the value in this field.
  4. If you have set up a default Part Transfer Template in IFS/Manufacturing Standard, the Transfer Template ID field is automatically set to the default value. You can update the transfer template by clicking List of Values (F8) and selecting a value or by directly entering a template.
  5. Highlight your site(s) in the table window. Right-click and then click Transfer to Manufacturing.
  6. Click OK for any informational and warning dialogs that may appear.