Create Recipe Structure


This activity is used to manually enter the recipe structure of a part, i.e., the components comprising the parent part. Recipe structures are alternatives to product structures/bills of material. Only components with a weight or volume unit of measure can be included in recipe structure calculations. 


This activity requires,

System Effects

As a result of this activity,


Recipe Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Recipe Structure
Recipe Structure/Recipe Structure


  1. Display the parent part by populating or by making a selective query in the Recipe Structure window.
  2. In the Recipe Structure tab enter a description of the alternate in the Alternate Description field.
  3. If there is a need to change the unit for Weight UoM or Volume UoM, use the List of Values to select from the available units of measure. 
  4. Select the method for entering the quantity of the components in the Enter by field.
    1. if Enter by = Qty Weight UoM, the quantity needed to produce the batch size needs to be entered for each component in the unit of measure given in Weight UoM.
    2.  if Enter by = Weight Share, the quantity of each component needs to be entered as a percentage of the total weight of the recipe.
    3. if Enter by = Parts by Weight, the quantity of each component needs to entered as a relative proportion of the total weight of the recipe.
    4. if Enter by = Qty UoM, the quantity needed to produce the batch size needs to be entered for each component in its own unit of measure.
    5. if Enter by = Qty per Assembly, the quantity needed to produce one unit of the parent part needs to be entered for each component. Please note that it if the parent part has a unit in volume it is not recommended to register recipes using this option. Since there is no density calculated for the parent part the values for the components will be wrong when the recipe is first saved. In these cases you need you use RMB option Breakdown Recipe to get the correct values for the components.
  5. If the batch size or the yield needs to be changed, use the right mouse button option Adjust Recipe Structure from the alternate head.
  6. Add a new component in the Structure tab. Enter the component part in the Component Part field. Use the List of Values to select from the available parts. The Description and Unit columns contain information from the inventory part register.
  7. Enter the quantity in the correct field, depending on the selection in the step 4:
    1. if Enter by = Qty Weight UoM, Weight Share, Parts by Weight or Qty UoM, enter the quantity needed of the component to produce the batch size of the alternate.
    2. if Enter by = Qty per Assembly, enter the quantity needed of the component to produce one unit of the parent part. Quantity needs to be given in the components own unit of measure as given by the UoM field.
  8. In the Procedure Step field, enter the order in which the components are used. You can add several components in the same step.
  9. Repeat steps 8 - 9 for each component. The total weight share must be 100%. (Components that have the Exclude from Calculations check box selected will never be a part of the recipes weight share).
  10. Save the record (F12).

Note: When using the Prototype structure type, the structure alternate can only have the Tentative and Obsolete states. The structure alternate is created in the Tentative state and can be used by Manufacturing. Structure alternates in the Obsolete state will not be available for use in Manufacturing and cannot be changed to a different state.

If you want to enter a component that should not be a part of recipe breakdowns or calculations, then start from bullet 13 instead of bullet 6:

  1.  Add a new component in the Structure tab. Enter the component part in the Component Part field. Use the List of Values to select from available parts, unselect the Only Parts with UoM in Weight or Volume check box to see all parts independent of their Unit of Measure.
  2. If the component does not have a unit of measure that is in weight or volume, the check box Exclude from Calculations will automatically be selected. If the component has a unit of measure that is in weight or volume, start by selecting the Exclude from Calculations check box (if you select the check box after entering the quantities, those quantities will disappear). When the recipe has been saved the check box is not updatable.
  3. Enter the quantity in the correct field, depending on the selection in the step 4:
    1. if Enter by = Qty Weight UoM, Weight Share, Parts by Weight or Qty UoM, enter the quantity needed of the component to produce the batch size of the alternate.
    2. if Enter by = Qty per Assembly, enter the quantity needed of the component to produce one unit of the parent part. Quantity needs to be given in the components own unit of measure as given by the UoM field.
  4. Repeat steps 13 - 15 for each component that you want to add to the structure, but that should not be a part of recipe calculations.

Note 1: If you want to change the need of a component that has the Exclude from calculation check box selected, Enter by must be selected as Qty per Assembly or Qty UoM.

Note 2: If batch size is adjusted and recalculated the Qty UoM is not updated if Exclude from Calculation check box is checked.

If you want to enter by-products, then go to By-products tab:

  1. On the Recipe Structure tab, select the By-Products tab.
  2. Enter components which are composed as by-products when producing the parent part.
  3. Enter a value in the Oper Cost Distribution Factor field. The number should be between 0 and 1 for each by-product line. The sum of this value for all by-products on the structure cannot be greater than 1.
    Note: When shop order costs are calculated, this value is multiplied with the operation cost to yield an operation cost for the by-product line. The remaining operation cost is allocated to the primary product.
  4. Enter a value in the Gen OH Cost Distribution Factor field. This number should be between 0 and 1 for each product line. The sum of this value for all by-products on the structure cannot be greater than 1.
    Note: When the shop order cost is calculated, this value is multiplied by the general overhead cost to yield a general overhead cost for the by-product line. The remaining general overhead cost is allocated to the primary product.
  5. Select the Use as Supply in MRP check box, if you want to use it as supply when performing MRP.
    Note: Use as Supply in MRP check box will not get enabled to select, if part has a structure and the parent part is defined as a by-product at the lower levels. For example, Part B is defined as a by-product of Part A and Part A is also defined as a by-product of Part B.

If by-product cost distribution is used:

  1. On the Recipe Structure tab, select the Use By-Product Cost Distribution check box.
  2. Click the By-Product Cost Distribution tab.
  3. Enter the value in the Item Cost Distribution Factor field. This number should be between 0 and 1 for each component material line for the by-product.
  4. If more than one by-product exists, enter the item cost distribution factors for the remaining by-products.
    Note: During shop order cost calculation, the factor is multiplied by the shop order component cost and the value is allocated to that by-product. This is repeated for all by-products. The remaining cost is allocated to the primary product.

Note: if there is a by-product in the alternate, there is no automatic calculation of the by-product quantity when calculating the batch size and the summary of the components. You have to manually manage the by-product as a part of the yield.