Enter Voucher Approver Group


This activity is used to enter voucher approver groups. You can modify or remove approvers connected to the approver groups once it is saved.


In order to perform this activity, users who are connected to the approver group should be connected to the company in Users per Company window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, an approver in the defined approver group will have the possibility to approve a voucher on behalf of the group. The approval rights of the approver group will be defined in the Voucher Approvers window.


 Voucher Approver Group

Related Window Descriptions

 Voucher Approver Group


To add a new approver group:

  1. Open the Voucher Approver Group window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter an identity for the approver group in the Approver Group field and a description in the Description field.
  4. Create a new record in the table.
  5. In the User ID field, enter the identity of the approver to be connected to the group.
  6. Save the information.