Review Job Cost Calculation Log

Use this activity to review the reasons for not calculating the Job Cost Details for any specific job transaction. It helps identifying the corrections needed in the relevant basic data or in the job transaction data.
The errors are logged against the job transaction ID making it more easier to follow.

Below are some common scenarios that is ending up with an error in the Job Cost Calculation Log upon running the calculation.


Error Log Text

No Rate Agreement found for job transaction parameters

No Rate agreement found for defined parameters.

Key parameters are missing in the transaction

Resources ID is missing in the transaction.

Prevailing Wage is used for the company. During the calculation a shortfall is identified, but NO fringe shortfall allocation is defined.

No Fringe Shortfall Allocation is defined.

Override Basis is set to both Yes and No on same Job Cost Type, through different sources

There are multiple Rate Agreement records using Job Cost Type '%P1' as the Percentage Calculation Basis, which have different values for the Override Basis. All records have to use the same value for the Override Basis.

Percentage on percentage is defined in rate agreement line for a Job Cost Type

Percentage Calculation Basis not available for source transaction parameters.

Weekly payment type rates are defined but no full week is covered during the calculation

Weekly based rate(s) identified. At least one full weekly period has to be selected for job cost calculation.

Identified job transactions of an employee who is not connected to any rate agreement

No Valid Rate Agreement is connected for the employee

Job transaction has additional parameter rather than the ones that are setup in the Rate agreement

No Rate Agreement found for the employee which match with source transaction parameters

Identified work task transactions that  is used to report time but no Resource Group is defined on the transaction.

Resources ID is missing in the transaction