Create Job Cost Types


This activity is used to create Job Cost Types which should be used in Rate Agreements. The Job Cost Type needs to have the Payment Type defined as Direct or Indirect, where Direct usually means the wage that is paid directly to the employee, and Indirect are benefits that isn't paid directly, for example pension. These are used for example to be able to calculate Prevailing Wage. Prevailing Wage is described more detailed in the document About Prevailing Wage.

All matching Rate Agreement Details with a Job Cost Type that has 'Include in Blended Overtime Calculation' set to 'Yes' will become the base for a blended rate which replaces the ordinary rate. To get a blended rate, a Job Cost Time Type needs to be defined as Blended Overtime with a Time Type Basis defined. Blended Overtime is described more detailed in the document About Blended Overtime.



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