Modify External Customer Invoice Information


This activity is used to view or modify customer invoices and to correct invoices marked with an error code in the External Customer Invoice Load Information window in IFS/Invoice when using the right-click choice Check Invoices.
Examples of modifications are adjustments to the due date, invoice type, etc. Using the right mouse button, you can reach all invoice levels, i.e. Invoice Item Information, Invoice Item Tax Information, and Invoice Item Posting Information. You can enter corrections in all of these levels.


To make modifications, the Changeable field in the External Customer Invoice Parameters  window in IFS/Invoice must be selected. 

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the processing of external customer invoices can continue, either by performing detail corrections or by performing the Check step again.


External Customer Invoices

Related Window Descriptions

External Customer Invoices


To view or modify invoice information:

To view or modify invoice information:

  1. Open the External Customer Invoices window in IFS/Invoice.
  2. Populate the window or query for the required Load ID (and, possibly, for specific customer invoices).
  3. Incorrect invoices are marked with an error code stating the type of error. Click on the field you want to change and enter a desired value. To see the related invoice lines, right-click on the invoice line and then click Invoice Line Information.
    When you correct and save, an automatic check is made for the individual invoice.
  4. Save changes.
  5. If there is nothing else to correct, perform the Check Invoices step again. Otherwise, correct other invoices and/or invoice details.