Warehouse Navigator/Handling Unit Capacity

[About Inventory Locations] [About Inventory Putaway]

[To Handle Inventory]


Use this tab to enter the location handling unit capacity of a certain handling unit type for a specific level in the warehouse structure i.e. site, warehouse, bay, row, tier and bin. For example a handling unit capacity could be to define that only one pallet will fit per location. This capacity is considered by the putaway logic. If the capacity is exceeded , the location will not be available for putaway. As soon as a location capacity exists for a handling unit type and that handling unity type is moved there or planned to be moved there, the location will be dedicated only for this handling unit type. Then the location cannot be combined with parts not packed into handling units or other handling unit types as top-level.

Entered values are inherited down to the whole underlying structure, unless deviating values are entered on lower levels. Based on the selected warehouse node, the handling unit capacity defined on current level will be displayed on this tab. Any values defined on higher levels will be considered in the putaway logic but not displayed on the current level. To minimize administration you should define handling unit capacity on as high level as possible and then only define exceptions on lower levels.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for inventory locations
