Define Qualification Level Templates


Use this activity to register qualification level templates. Templates are used during competency and certificate registration. They determine how skilled someone can be at a certain competency or certificate.
For example, a general qualification template can be created with levels such as "Elementary, Proficient, Advanced, Expert". A template like this can be reused for many times.


There are no prerequisites

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a qualification level template will be registered in the system.


Qualification Level Template

Related Window Descriptions

Qualification Level Template


  1. Open the Qualification Level Template window.
  2. In the Qualification Level Template field, enter the identifier of the template. It will be later used in the Competencies and Certificates windows to load the template.
  3. In the Description field, you can enter a short description of what is the purpose of the template.
  4. In the table below, enter a new record to start registering separate skill levels.
  5. In the Qualification Level Name field, enter the name for the level of proficiency an employee can achieve, e.g., Advanced, Expert, Master.
  6. In the Qualification Level Points field, enter how valuable the proficiency level is to a company. Level points are used to rank levels from best to worst.
    Note: For some competencies/certificates, the amount of points can be increased significantly to indicate them as more important in relation to other competencies/certificates. This is important during gap analysis, when such points are added to determine competency gap of employees.
  7. In the Qualification Level Description field, enter the description for the qualification level.
  8. Save your changes.