GL Balance Analysis/Balance

[To Financial Analysis and Reporting]


Use this window to analyze balances at different levels in the general ledger. The balances can also be compared to a budget version. Zoom-in is used to display the balance information on several code parts or on fewer code parts. This query function makes it possible to break down a balance on a code string into voucher rows.

You can also use this window to analyze the general ledger balances of multiple companies by selecting the Multi Company check box. If selected, the Search dialog will include Company, Company Group, Accounting Currency and Parallel Currency fields to select the multiple companies. The Zoom-in dialog will also include Multi Company Parameters to define the level of details that you want to analyze the general ledger balances of multiple companies. The general ledger balances of multiple companies can also be compared to a budget version. Before using this analysis window, check the authority level granted for querying code strings in IFS Applications/General Ledger/Authority.

Activity Diagrams

Queries, Balance Information


Select Balance Information
Zoom and View Balance Information
Query Voucher Rows - GL