Enter Supplier Delivery Tax Information


This activity is used to enter  tax calculation structure or tax codes for supplier addresses. Tax calculation structure or tax codes can be specified per supplier, delivery address and company. Either tax calculation structure or tax codes can be specified.


This activity requires that information on the Supplier/Address tab has been defined.

System Effects

Information entered on this tab is used when purchase order/requisition lines, order quotation lines, sub contract lines and invoice lines are entered. If the Use Supplier Address for Tax check box is selected, tax calculation structure or tax codes entered on this tab are fetched. If this check box is not selected, tax calculation structure or tax codes entered for company address or project address are fetched.



Related Window Descriptions

Supplier/Address/Delivery Tax Information 


To enter supplier delivery tax information:

  1. Open the Supplier window.
  2. Click the Address tab and select the Address Identity for which you want to enter tax information.
  3. Click the Delivery Tax Information tab.
  4. If you want taxes to be fetched from supplier address, select the Use Supplier Address for Tax check box. Otherwise, clear the Use Supplier Address for Tax check box.
  5. Specify the tax calculation structure or tax codes using the List of Values. Multiple tax codes can be associated with the current address.
  6. Save the information.