Enter Supplier Address Tax Information


Use this activity to specify the tax ID number for each tax code. The tax ID number will be used on invoice documents and for tax reporting purposes.

Note: The Tax Code Info RMB is only enabled when the Country is Argentina.


This activity requires that address information for supplier has been defined. Tax codes for sales or use tax also need to be defined in Tax Codes.

System Effects

The information will be used in invoice documents, tax reporting, and when determining the nature of the tax liability of the supplier.



Related Window Descriptions

Supplier, Supplier/Address


  1. Open the Supplier window.
  2. Query for the supplier.
  3. Click the Address tab.
  4. Right-click on the header part of the window and click Tax Code Info. The Tax Code Info for the Supplier Identity and Address Identity window will open.
  5. Create a new record and select the company to which the supplier belongs.
  6. In table and create a new record.
  7. In the Tax Code field, use the List of Values to select a tax code to associate with the supplier and the address identity.
  8. In the Tax ID Number Per Tax Code field, specify a tax ID number for the tax code.
  9. Save the changes.