Enter Object Properties


This activity is used to enter additional information for fixed assets objects that is not available in the form of standard information fields in IFS Applications, e.g. the registration number, manufacturer, motor number, unloaded weight, etc. This information is entered in the form of property values. Each property value is connected to a property code that indicates the specific attribute to which the property value relates. e.g. A, is the ID of the manufacturer of an object. If you want to disclose this information in a property line, MANUFACTURER ID will be entered as the property code so that the property value A can be identified as the manufacturer.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the required additional information for fixed assets objects will be available.



Related Window Descriptions



The following procedure can be used to enter a property line for a fixed asset object.

  1. Open the Object window and query for the fixed asset object for which you want to enter additional information.
  2. Open the Properties tab and create a new record.
  3. To specify the attribute regarding which information is disclosed in the property line, enter a property code ID in the Property Code field using the List of Values.
  4. Enter the property value for the property code you selected in step 3 in the String Value field, Number Value field or the Date Value field, depending on the data type of the property code. If the Use LoV for Validation check box in the Fixed Assets Property Codes window is selected for the property code, you will be required to select the property code from the List of Values.
  5. If you want to further differentiate the property value you entered, enter a number in the Reference field.
  6. Save the information.
  7. Repeat steps 2-4 to enter as many property lines as required.


  1. Open the Object window and query for the fixed asset object for which you want to enter additional information.
  2. Open the Properties tab, right-click and click Add Property Codes from Template to open the Add Property Codes from Template dialog box.
  3. In the Property Template field, enter the ID of the property template from which you want to add property codes to the object. The List of Values can be used to select the relevant property template.
  4. Click OK to close the dialog box. As a result, all the property codes that belong to the selected property template will be connected to the object. However, if required, you can remove any of those property codes or add other property codes that do not belong to the template you selected.
  5. Enter property values for the property codes connected to the object. (Refer step 4 of the previous procedure for further information.)
  6. If you want to further differentiate the property values you entered, enter numbers for the property lines in the Reference field.
  7. Save the information.