Enter Payment Institute Office


Use this activity to enter, change, and view details of the payment institute offices your company uses. The payment institute office is used to refer to the local branch of the Payment Institute and each Payment Institute Office can manage only a single cash account on behalf of the company.


A payment institute should exist to which the payment institute office can be connected. This should have been defined in the Payment Institutes window in IFS/Payment.

System Effects

As a result of this activity,


Payment Institute Offices

Related Window Descriptions

Payment Institute Offices


  1. Open the Payment Institute Offices window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Payment Institute field, select one of the existing payment institutes from the List of Values, which is to be connected to the payment institute office.
  4. Use the Office, Code Description, Address1, Address2, Zip Code, City, County, State, and Country fields to enter the respective details about the payment institute office.