Enter Inventory Information for Object


This activity is used to enter inventory information for an object. Inventory information includes the site to which the object belongs, the physical location of the object, the custodian of the object, the physical count ID and such. This activity cannot be carried out for objects with status Planned.


Before information can be entered in the Inventory tab, the following must have been completed.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, it will be possible to create a physical count for the object.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Object window and search for the object for which you want to enter inventory information.
  2. Open the Inventory tab.
  3. Enter a value in the Site field using the List of Values.
  4. Select a value for the Object Physical Location field using the List of Values if necessary (you are required to enter a value in this field if the Physical Location Mandatory check box is selected in the Company / Fixed Assets tab).
  5. Enter a description in the Object Location field if necessary.
  6. Select a value for the Object Custodian field using the List of Values if necessary (you are required to enter a value in this field if the Custodian Mandatory check box is selected in the Company / Fixed Assets tab).
  7. Enter a number in the Tag Number field if necessary.
  8. Save the information.