Copy Structure


This activity is used to copy an accounting or internal elimination structure.


Before a structure can be copied, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the copied accounting structure and internal elimination structure can be used in query windows in IFS/General Ledger. The accounting structure can also be used as a selection term in IFS/Report Generator and in IFS/Periodical Cost Allocation.


Accounting Structure
Internal Elimination Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Copy Structure


Use the following procedure to copy an accounting structure.

  1. Open the Accounting Structures window and query for the structure you want to copy.
  2. Right click and click Copy Structure to open the Copy Structure dialog box.
  3. In the Structure ID field in the Destination group box, enter a name for the new structure.
  4. Specify the company to which the new structure should belong by selecting a company ID from the List of Values for the To Company field.
  5. Specify the code part to which the structure should be copied in the Code Part field. The List of Values can be used to select an appropriate code part based on the company to which you are copying the structure.
  6. Select the Include Code Part Values check box if you want the code part values of the original structure to be copied to the new structure.
  7. Click OK.

Use the following procedure to copy an internal elimination structure.

  1. Open the Internal Elimination Structure window and query for the structure you want to copy.
  2. Right click and then click Copy Structure to open the Copy Structure dialog box.
  3. Enter an ID and a description for the new structure in the New Structure ID and New Description fields.
  4. Specify the time period during which the new structure will be valid by entering the relevant dates in the Valid From and Valid Until fields.
  5. Click OK.