Reports, Fixed Assets

The Reports, Fixed Assets process contains activities that are used for printing information on fixed assets. The reports can also be printed in File/Info Service in IFS Navigator. The last alternative in the IFS Navigator for IFS/Fixed Assets gives a direct access to Report Order in IFS/Info Service. Click the arrow in the Report field to view the reports.

In all reports where book is used in selections, the accumulated depreciation shown in the report concerns the depreciation method connected to the specified book. If a depreciation method is missing for the specified book, the report shows zero (0) for accumulated depreciation for the object.

A % sign can be used for printing different reports for all objects and/or object groups.

The following reports are included in IFS/Fixed Assets:

Object Inventory Report. This report is useful when making an inventory of fixed assets. The report can be printed for one or more object groups and gives information about object group, object type, status, location and external ID.

Year Acquisition Report. The report shows this year’s acquisitions, and the following information is displayed: capitalized value and acquisitions and depreciation during the year. For objects where the investment process started the previous year you can see what was capitalized up to present year. The report can be printed in detail or in summary.

Year Disposal Report.  The report shows objects that have been scrapped or sold during the year. The following object information is displayed: Acquisition value, accumulated depreciation, net value, the revenue and the net profit or loss. The print can be done either in detail or summary.

Fixed Assets Ledger Report The main purpose with this report is to support analyses concerning Fixed Assets Accounting information. Note that this report does not take into account if FA object transactions really have been posted up to the period selected. This means that you may have created and/or authorized depreciation proposals in FA, that has not been updated to the General Ledger. The print can be done either in detail or in summary. The selections can be one or more objects or object groups. Other selection terms are FA year, period (referring to Depreciation calendar) and book.

Main Object Report. The report shows information on main objects and connected sub objects. The following information is displayed: acquisition values, accumulated depreciation up to last year, depreciation for the present year, total depreciation, and net value. The selection can be done for an interval of year and period. Other selection terms are object identity, object group, and book.

Depreciation Proposal Report. This report shows a depreciation proposal with Created or Authorized status. This means that the report only shows proposals that have not been posted or cancelled. The print can be done either in detail or in summary.

Object Transactions Report. This report will print all the transactions for objects as specified in the report parameters. An object or an object group is used for specification.

General Ledger Specification Report. This report can be useful when making reconciliation between Fixed Assets Accounting and General Ledger. The selection criteria are based on General Ledger information included in Fixed Assets Accounting.

Fixed Assets Accounting Specification Report. This report can also be useful for reconciliation matters.  In this report the selection criteria are based on Fixed Assets information. It is optional to display individual General Ledger transactions or the totals for selected objects.

Depreciation Plan Report.  This report contains information relating to the planned depreciation of selected objects for a selected period of time. The report can be printed in detail or in summary.

Object Registration Card Report. This report shows the information that is recorded in the registration card of a selected fixed assets object at a given time.

Object Physical Count Report. This report is printed for the purpose of recording the actual results of a selected physical count.

Objects Scrapped during Physical Count Report. This report contains information relating to the fixed assets objects that were scrapped during a selected physical count.

Object Transaction Type Report This report contains all the transactions relating to the fixed asset objects that belong to a selected range of object groups, grouped by the object transaction type. This report can be printed in detail or in summary.

Object Transaction Reason Report This report groups the object balances of a selected range of object groups for a selected period of time based on the transaction reason. This can be useful when analyzing the object balances resulting due to different transaction reasons. The report can be printed in detail or in summary.

Fixed Assets Year Report with Depreciation Plan. This report is printed to view the forecast of planned depreciations for fixed assets objects within a selected planning period. The report also includes detailed information about planned or realized acquisitions, accumulated depreciations before the planning period and the net value.