Transfer the Depreciation Plan with Simulated Postings to Budget Version


This activity is used to transfer amounts from depreciation plans with simulated postings and planned acquisition values to a budget version. The status in the depreciation plan should be PostingsSimulated in order to transfer amounts from the depreciation plan to the budget version. Depending on the transfer type selected  i.e. Depreciation Cost, Acc.Depreciation or All the simulated postings will be transferred to the selected budget version(s) of the selected  ledger type.


In order to transfer amounts to the budget version the status of the depreciation plan should be PostingsSimulated. The targeted budget version(s) must already exist and have the Active status.

System Effects

Budget period amounts will be created in the selected budget version(s) of the selected year(s). If budget amounts with an identical code string already exist in the budget version(s) of the selected year(s) then the existing budget amounts will be replaced. Debit amounts will be displayed in the budget version(s) with a positive sign(+) and credit amounts will be displayed the budget version with negative sign (-).

Select Transfer Type Transferred Code String Value
Depreciation Cost FAP5 (depreciation and cost accounting)
Acc.Depreciation FAP6 (depreciation and balance accounting)
All FAP5 and FAP6

If planned acquisition values are included in the transfer then the planned acquisition values in accounting currency and parallel currency (if any) of all objects having Planned status which are in the selection range of the depreciation plan will have a planned acquisition date in the budget year even if there are no simulated postings. The planned acquisition date of the object determines into which budget period the planned values will be transferred. Note: The planned acquisition values with Investment status will not be included in the transfer.


Depreciation Plan
Depreciation Plans
Simulated Posting Details

Related Window Descriptions   

Transfer Depreciation Plan to Budget Version
Budget Versions
Budget Period Amount
Budget Year Amount


  1. Open the Depreciation Plan , Depreciation Plans or Simulated Posting Details window.
  2. Right click and click Transfer to Budget Version to open the Transfer to Budget Version dialog box.
  3. Select General Ledger or Internal Ledger as the ledger type from the list for the Ledger Type field.
  4. Enter a value for the Ledger ID field if the ledger type selected is Internal Ledger or select a value from the List of Values.  If the ledger type selected is General Ledger then the value by default of the Ledger ID is 00 and is displayed automatically.
  5. The value for the Description field will be automatically displayed. This value would be the description of the ledger of the budget version to which the simulated postings should be transferred.
  6. For each year entered in the depreciation plan a line will be displayed in the table of the Transfer to budget Version dialog box. In this table values will be automatically displayed for all fields except for Budget Version and Incl Planned Acq Values.
  7. Enter a value for the Budget Version field or select a value from the List of Values for each year you want to transfer to a budget version.
  8. Select the Incl Planned Acq Values check box if the planned acquisition values of all the planned objects within the selection range of the depreciation plan having a planned acquisition date in the budget year will be included in the transfer even if no simulated depreciation postings exists. Note: This check box can only be selected for transfer types Acc Depreciation and All.
  9. Click Ok. An information message will be raised if already existing values with identical code string are being replaced in the selected budget version(s).
  10. Click Yes if you want to continue.
  11. Click No to return to the Transfer to Budget Version dialog box.