Print Inventory Report


Use this activity to print the Inventory Report. The report is printed for one or more object groups. A percent (% or wildcard) sign can be used for printing an inventory list for all object groups, object types, and object statuses.


This activity requires that object information exist in the IFS/Fixed Assets.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the report is printed either on screen or on paper.


Object Inventory Report

Related Window Descriptions

Object Inventory Report


Use the following procedure to print the report:

  1. Open Object Inventory Report
  2. Use the List button and specify the Object Group.
  3. Specify Object Type and Object State.
  4. Use the Company button to print the report for another company, if appropriate.
  5. Confirm the information. The Print Report window is displayed. In this window different grouping terms can be selected. The report can be sorted on Object Group, Location, Status or Object Type. Use the Preview button to print the report on screen. Use the OK button to print the report on paper.

Note: You can also order and print the report via Info Services/Order Reports.