Print FA Ledger Report


Use this dialog box to print a report mainly intended to support reconciliation between Fixed Assets and General Ledger. This report does not take into account if FA object transactions really have been posted up to the period selected. This means that you may have initiated and/or authorized depreciation proposals in FA, that has not been updated to the General Ledger.  The print out can be done either in detail or in summary. The selections can be done on more than one objects or object groups. Other selection terms are FA year, period (referring to Depreciation Calendar) and book. The List button can be used for book and object/object group.


This activity requires that object information exist in the IFS/Fixed Assets.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the report is printed either on screen or on paper.


Fixed Assets Ledger Report

Related Window Descriptions

Fixed Assets Ledger Report


Use the following procedure to print the report:

  1. Open the Fixed Assets Ledger Report window.
  2. Selection Based On: Mark Object Group or Object.
  3. Financial Year and Period: Enter Year and Period.
  4. Layout Based On: Mark Detail or Summary.
  5. Use the List button to select Book.
  6. If Selection Based On is Object Group, then use the List button and select an object group.
  7. If Selection Based On is Object, then use the List button and select an object.
  8. Confirm the information. The Print Report window is displayed. Use the Preview button to print the report on screen. Use the OK button to print the report on paper.

Note: You can also order and print the report via Info Services/Order Reports. If the period specified in the Period field has status Finally Closed, the report will contain information on the status of the opening period of the accounting year as well as the period specified in the Period field.