Print Depreciation Method Change Report


This activity is used to print a report with the changes made in the Books tab of an object. There are different selection criteria for the report, e.g. a date interval when the change was performed, the book, the object and the object group.


In order to perform this activity, log information must have been generated by the system when parameters relevant for depreciation calculation have been modified in the Books tab of the Object window. The Write Method Change Log check box in the Fixed Assets tab of the Company window must have been selected at the time when the changes were done.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the report is either printed or displayed on the screen.


Order Reports
Depreciation Method Change Report

Related Window Descriptions

Depreciation Method Change Report


  1. Open the Depreciation Method Change Report window from the navigator or from the Reporting/Operational Reporting/Order Report window.
  2. Click the Report Parameters tab.
  3. Select the company for which you want to order the report from the drop down list in the Company field.
  4. Specify the date interval for which you want to analyze changes in the From and Until fields in the Changed Between group box.
  5. Select the identity type for your selection (Object Group or Object) in the Selection Based on field.
  6. Enter a book in the Book ID field or select it from the list.
  7. Select an object group in the Object Group ID filed if your selection is based on object group and you want to print changes done for a specific object group only.
  8. Select an object in the Object ID filed if your selection is based on object and you want to print changes done for a specific object only.
  9. If you do not want to print objects of all object status, select the check boxes for the object status you want to include in your report.
  10. Click Ok to order the report..