Modify Amortization Schedule


This activity is used to modify the calculations in an amortization schedule by using the right mouse button option Modify Amortization Schedule on the header and the General tab of the Lease Accounting Contract window.


In order to modify an amortization schedule, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the calculations in an amortization schedule will be updated to reflect the future cash flows and the present value calculations therein.

Also, it will show a difference in the Difference in Liability by comparing the Lease Liability Beginning Balance of the schedule from which the calculations are updated and the Lease Liability Ending Balance of the previous line.


Lease Accounting Contract
Lease Accounting Contracts
Lease Contract Modification Detail

Related Window Descriptions

Modify Amortization Schedule
Lease Accounting Contract
Lease Accounting Contracts
Lease Contract Modification Detail


Use the following procedure to modify the calculations in an amortization schedule:

  1. Open the Lease Accounting Contract window or Lease Accounting Contracts window  and search for the lease contract of which you want to modify the calculations in an amortization schedule.
  2. Select right mouse button option Modify Amortization Schedule to open the Modify Amortization Schedule dialog box.
  3. Enter the installment due date on which the present value of minimum lease payments should be calculated in the Base Date for Present Value Calculation field.
    Note: When the given date does not fall in to a specific due date of an installment in the Amortization Schedule, the next possible installment due date is considered for the Present Value Calculation.
  4. Click OK.

Note: The same procedure can be carried out for multiple contracts from Lease Contracts Modification Details window..