Extend Contract End Date


This activity is used to extend the end date of a lease contract.


In order to extend the end date of a lease contract, a lease contract should exist in the status Preliminary.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the end date of a lease contract can be extended to be able to add new terms and conditions.


Lease Accounting Contract
Lease Accounting Contracts
Lease Contract Modification Detail

Related Window Descriptions

Lease Accounting Contract
Lease Accounting Contracts
Lease Contract Modification Detail


Use the following procedure to extend the end date of an existing lease contract:

  1. Open the Lease Accounting Contract window or Lease Accounting Contracts window and search for the Lease Contract ID of which you want to update the end date.
  2. Edit the End Date field by adding the number of years, months and dates to the existing date from which you want to extend the lease term.
  3. Save the information (F12).

Note: The same procedure can be carried out for multiple contracts from Lease Accounting Contracts window by selecting RMB option Modify Lease Contract.