Enter New Lease Index Values


This activity is used to enter new lease index values to be used when performing right mouse button option Change Base Index in Amortization Schedule tab of the Lease Accounting Contract window.


In order to enter new lease index values, a lease index type must have been created in the Lease Index Types window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the new lease index values are available to be used in the lease modification process.


Lease Index Types

Related Window Descriptions

Lease Index Types
Lease Accounting Contract
Lease Accounting Contracts


Use the following procedure to enter new lease index values for an existing Lease Index Type:

  1. Open the Lease Index Types window and search for the Lease Index Type that you want to update the values.
  2. In the table create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter the new index value and the respective date from which the index value to be applied.
  4. Save the information (F12).