Change Contract Status to Preliminary


This activity is used to change the status from Active or Obsolete to Preliminary for a lease contract to be able to modify the lease contract.


In order to change the status, the lease contract must have the Active or Obsolete status.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the lease contract is set back to Preliminary status and it will be ready for the required modifications.


Lease Accounting Contract
Lease Accounting Contracts
Lease Contract Modification Detail

Related Window Descriptions

Lease Accounting Contract
Lease Accounting Contracts
Lease Contract Modification Detail


Use the following procedure to change the status of the lease contract to Preliminary:

  1. Open the Lease Accounting Contract window or Lease Accounting Contracts window and search for the contract/s that you want to change the status back to Preliminary.
  2. Right-click on the header of the window and in the Status list, click Set Preliminary to set the status to Preliminary.

Note: The same procedure can be carried out for multiple contracts from Lease Contracts Modification Details window