Enter Revenue Recognition Basic Data


This activity is used to enter basic and default data for the revenue recognition process.


System Effects


Revenue Recognition Information

Related Window Descriptions

Revenue Recognition Information


  1. Open the Revenue Recognition Information window. The window is automatically populated when it is opened.
  2. Select whether revenue recognition should be performed only for ordinary periods or for both ordinary and year end periods.
  3. Select the user group allowed to create revenue recognition vouchers for the ordinary periods by using the List of Values.
  4. If Ordinary/Year Closing is selected for revenue recognition period type, select the user group allowed to create revenue recognition vouchers for year end periods by using the List of Values.
  5. Select the Post Actual and Recognized Revenue Difference check box, if you want to create additional postings for the difference between actual and recognized revenue when creating revenue recognition voucher.
  6. Select the default voucher type for each ledger by using the List of Values.
  7. Define revenue recognition rule if you want to apply 0% margin in revenue recognition process based on the level of estimated revenue and level of percentage of completion of the project.
  8. Save the changes.  

Complete the following additional steps if revenue recognition in to be executed independently in Internal Ledger and General Ledger.

  1. Select the default voucher type for General Ledger by using the List of Values, where all the voucher types connected to the function group P with ledger selection GL Only are displayed.
  2. Select the default voucher type for Internal Ledger by using the List of Values, where all the voucher types connected to the function group P with ledger selection IL Only are displayed.
  3. Save the changes.

Use the following procedure to define rule for revenue recognition.

  1. Select the operator in the Project Revenue Operator field.
  2. Enter the level of estimated revenue in the Project Revenue field.
  3. Enter the POC limit until which 0% margin should be applied in the the Zero Margin till POC (%) field.
  4. Save the changes.