Create Row Template


A row template, together with a column template and a report template, defines the contents and the appearance of the report. The row template consists of one or more rows. The row can be a data row, calculation row, text row, row template row, separator row, or a transaction row. There must be at least one data row in the template.

In a data row the user can enter for example the selections of data from the database.  A calculation row is used to calculate a result including rows and/or constants. For a text row, you define items such as headings/footings that are not column or page headings/footings. For a row template row, you can include another complete row template within your row template. A separator row makes a line in the report to provide visual organization. A transaction row is used for printing the transaction rows that generated a balance.


Before creating a row template, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, one or several rows can be included in the template. There must be at least one data row in the row template before the row template can be executed in a report template.


Row Templates

Related Window Descriptions

Row Templates


Use the following procedure to create a row template:

  1. Open Row Templates.
  2. Use the New function. Default values are displayed in the Date Created, Date Modified, and Owner fields.
  3. Enter an identity in Row Template and a description in Description. The identity of the row template cannot exist in another row template or a column template.
  4. Enter Comparison Row Name and Fixed Column Template, if appropriate. Use the List of Values to view the available alternatives.
  5. Save the information.

Note! You can also create a row template in Row Template.