Field Service Management and IFS Application Integration

Integration between IFS Field Service Management (FSM) and IFS applications allows inventory stock maintenance using FSM while procurement and financial transactions are handled using IFS Applications.

A diagram of the integration architecture is shown below. The Integration Framework, which is a server module that generically supports inbound/outbound integrations between FSM and other systems, is included in IFS FSM APP Server. It uses import/export maps defined in the metadata of the FSM database to map XML messages and API calls between IFS Applications and FSM in a flexible way that is easily adaptable to customer needs and extensible via metadata edits in the FSM client. The standard IFS PL\SQL Access Provider is used to communicate with IFS Applications.

The SOAP Gateway of IFS Application Server gives a client or another software the possibility to integrate with the IFS business logic in a controlled and performance efficient manner. With the use of the IFS SOAP access provider format, BizAPI is invoked without any involvement of IFS Connect framework. This allows fast and efficient calling of the business logic interface and is suitable for clients where a tighter integration is preferable, resulting high performance and less administration.

Note: To be able to use integration between FSM and IFS Applications, the IFS Application end user needs to be granted with the IFS/FND Role: FND_CONNECT.

The routing address Connect to FSM server is used to make the connection between FSM and IFS Applications.

Three new outbound routing rules which are FSM- No Part Receiving, FSM- Part Receiving and IFS Applications PO Data to FSM PO are introduced to integrate IFS Application’s procurement to FSM.


The following diagrams represent the process of how FSM import metadata from IFS Applications.

Data sync process for Customer/Supplier/Part

IFS Applications FSM Transactions window

Once the FSM transactions are generated in the part tran. Log, it will trigger the TRNASFER_FSM_TRANSACTION inbound BizApi to pass that information to IFS Applications. With the use of Operations menu option, user can view additional details in the FSM Transaction History window. The FSM transaction postings can be viewed in the Distribution and Manufacturing Postings Analysis window.

 The process diagram below illustrates this process.

User can change the transaction date in this window by using the Modify Date Applied option in the Operations menu.

IFS Applications inventory transactions created corresponding to FSM inventory part transactions are as follows.

System Event ID  System Event Description Mapped FSM transactions
INTERN-IN FSM Internal In CC – Cost Change - 4995
BOMD – De-kitting – 4091
BOMK – Kitting -4091
PC – Physical Count in – 4091
SC – On Line Screen (ID) - 1400
INTERN-OUT FSM Internal Out PC – Physical Count Out-4091
PU - part that has been used-5460
BOMD – De-kitting – 4091
BOMK – Kitting -4091
SC – On Line Screen (ID) – 1405
CC – Cost Change - 4996
EXTERN-IN FSM External In PD - Part Disposition-5613
RP - RC Part Change (Increased new part)-4022
RR - RC Receipt-4022
EXTERN-OUT FSM External Out RP - RC Part Change(Decreased old part)-5500
RQ – Request-5500
SH – Shipper-4021
FSMPRDIFF+ FSM Price Difference - Higher Price  
FSMPRDIFF- FSM Price Difference - Lower Price  
FSMARRIVAL FSM PO receipt for inventory Part  

When RQ – Issue Transaction is generated in FSM, and the transaction is passed to IFS Applications by triggering the TRNASFER_FSM_TRANSACTION inbound BizApi, mapping that occurs would be as follows.

FSM Transaction Table
Transaction Code Part No Quantity Unit Cost FSM Transaction Type FSM Info
External-Out SEAL-123 10 50 RQ – Request Issue Other FSM info. E.g., order references
  Debit/Credit Posting Type Value Account
Debit M272 – FSM External-Out 500 5501 – Repair Costs
  Credit M264 – FSM Inventory 500 1400 - Inventory

IFS Applications Transfer FSM Transactions

In IFS Applications, once the FSM transactions are generated, the user can transfer them to the GL. This would create vouchers for FSM transactions in IFS Financials.

  1. The voucher will be created in the hold table in Accounting Rules and later updated to the General Ledger.
  2. Voucher type (FSM) to be used is defined in voucher types. A voucher from function group FSM will be created.

Posting control data for each financial transaction can be viewed in FSM Transaction History. This window is also used to view transaction status to ensure that there are no erroneous FSM transactions.

If the FSM transactions did not get transferred, view the details of the transaction.

  1. When viewing the transaction, you will see 99 or Incorrect Accounting in the Status Code field if it is an error.
  2. An error message will be visible on the accounting tab explaining the posting error. This is often due to incorrect/incomplete setup in Accounting Rules, but can occur due to missing data in distribution.

Make all required corrections and then correct the transaction postings using Rerun Erroneous Distribution and Manufacturing Postings.

  1. This process screens all the erroneous transactions for a site against accounting rules and distribution basic data, to correct the transaction so that it can be transferred.
  2. Repeat the transfer transaction and verify that all transactions are transferred correctly.

The Transfer FSM Transactions diagram shown below illustrates the processes