Register Entertainment Information


Use this function to register all your entertainment expenses. After registration, the amount is automatically processed and split into several entertainment expense codes if the entered amount exceeds set limits. 


Before you can enter Entertainment information in the expense sheet you have to have an Expense Rules, Entertainment Expense Codes and Currency Codes.


Expense Sheet

Related Window Descriptions

Expense Sheet/Entertainment/Entertainment Expense


  1. Select New to enter new entertainment expenses.
  2. The system will automatically suggest a date, verify or change the date.
  3. Use the list box to choose between the predefined entertainment expense codes. The description is shown automatically.
  4. Enter an expense reference e.g. an identification of the bill/receipt or other description.
  5. Select an Entertainment Category using the List of Values.
  6. Enter the number of guest that took part in the entertainment event.
  7. Enter a guest list ID, if you already registered a guest list to this entertainment event. Otherwise, create a new guest list and connect it later on.
  8. Enter gross amount and taxable amount (Tax). If the entertainment event took place during an abroad trip, select a predefined currency code using the List of Values. Verify or change the default Currency Rate and Gross Amount values given. Enter other data if needed.
  9. Select Save.