
[About Product Estimate Management] [About Estimate Bid Management]


Use this tab to enter the customers who are to receive a quotation price for the top items in the estimate tree structure. It is possible to enter a customer number or a selected one via list of values. All customer categories can be selected without restrictions. This means a prospect customer can be connected to an estimate. More than one customer can be connected to the estimate. All versions of the top items can be included for all connected customers, meaning that the deliverables related to the selection of included versions can be used to create business objects.

The lower table in this window provides an option to get an overview of the estimate history for the each customer listed. It presents for instance, if a business object has been created for the customer based on included versions. Another action which generates a record in the history is if an override sales price has been defined for a deliverable line.

Note: If it is necessary to create a new customer of any category, this can be done by using the Quick Customer Assistant option. It is available via right-click option on the Estimate/Customer tab.

Activity Diagrams

Handle Deliverables for Customer


Connect customer to estimate