Update Part Number


Use this activity to update the part number and its description for a product estimate item; Existing, Modified or New.

A common scenario when estimating a product item is that; product structure, possible routing and part cost for an existing part and it subassemblies are copied as the foundation to a new none existing product item. In the estimate process are then components and operations added and/or removed when the new item is given its characteristics. This means that existing parts included as subassemblies are modified. Sometimes are the modification, done to an existing part, of such nature that it no longer can be considered to be the same part. For such circumstances the part number and description can be updated.

There is also an Origin Part No field which helps you to keep track of the origin of the part, i.e. the first part number used when it first was added to the tree structure.


This activity requires;

System Effects

The component type for the product item is set to New and the new part number is considered in the Transfer Estimate Products window.



Related Window Descriptions

Estimate/Estimate Items/Product


  1. Open the Estimate window and search for the required Estimate ID.
  2. In the tree structure select the item which shall be given a new part number.
  3. Click on the Product tab or select the relevant record in the Components tab
  4. In the Part No field update the present value and optional also update the description, save.

Note: The component type is updated to New and a possible parent item is set to Modified. The Origin Part No and Origin Part No Description field is updated with the original part number and its description.