Test Transfer Products


Use this activity to check whether the estimate structure created for products items can be transferred to manufacturing without errors. You can perform Test Transfer Product for a top item or sub assemblies. Any conflict that will result in failure to transfer will be created as logs and added in the Estimate/Result Log tab.


Items with reference item type Product should exist in the estimate structure. If they are existing items in inventory, the structure or routing should have been modified after they were inherited.

System Effects

Logs with log type Test Transfer will be added to the Estimate/Result Log tab indicating whether the test transfer is successful or if there are conflicts they will be displayed as errors.



Related Window Descriptions

Estimate/Estimate Items/Product


  1. Go to the product tab of the item that needs to be tested.
  2. Right click and click Test Transfer Product.
  3. In the Test Transfer Product dialog box that opens, select the transfer settings.
  4. Select whether the job should be executed online and click OK.