Register Sales Part


You can add estimate items that is not registered as a sales part. When the estimate leads to a sales quotation the item must be registered as a sales part. The Register Sales Part function allows you to register the item in an easy way.


An estimate with an item without a sales part connection should have been entered.
A site must be specified for the item.

System Effects

This activity has the following system effects:


Register Sales Part

Related Window Descriptions

Register Sales Part


  1. Select or query for the estimate in the Estimate window and choose the Estimate/Deliverables tab.
  2. Select the deliverable line (in the lowest table) for which you want to register the sales part, right-click and select Register Sales Part. The Register Sales Part dialog box is displayed.
  3. When the selected item has a product reference item type the Sales Part Type will automatically be set to Inventory Part. For generic reference type items you need to choose Sales Part Type.
  4. Part Number, Site and Description is copied from the estimate delivery line but can be changed.
  5. If the sales part is an inventory part:
    1. Information in the Inventory Part section is retrieved from the estimate item. Inventory unit of measure is copied from estimate deliverable line. If the different units of measure are not the same, you must change the conversion factors to obtain correct prices and quantities. The units of measure are required.
    2. Sales unit of measure and price unit of measure in the Units of Measure group box are copied from the estimate deliverable line but it can be changed manually or by using the List of Values.
    3. Enter Sales Price Group and Sales Group in the Grouping group box manually or by using the List of Values. This is mandatory information. You can also enter a discount group and/or a rebate group, if applicable.
    4. The cost is copied from the estimate delivery line as default, but can be changed. If an existing inventory part is used for the sales part, the cost will be copied from the inventory part and cannot be changed.
  6. If the sales part is a non inventory part:
    1. Sales unit of measure and price unit of measure in the Units of Measure group box are copied from the estimate deliverable line but it can be changed manually or by using the List of Values.
    2. Enter Sales Price Group and Sales Group in the Grouping group box manually or by using the List of Values. This is mandatory information. You can also enter a discount group and/or a rebate group, if applicable.
    3. The cost is copied from the estimate deliverable line as default, but can be changed.
  7. If the sales part is a package part:
    1. Sales unit of measure and price unit of measure in the Units of Measure group box are copied from the estimate deliverable line but it can be changed manually or by using the List of Values.
    2. Enter Sales Price Group and Sales Group in the Grouping group box manually or by using the List of Values. This is mandatory information. You can also enter a discount group and/or a rebate group, if applicable.
  8. The price is copied from the estimate deliverable line as default, but can be changed. Enter price and expected average price for the sales part in the Price (mandatory) and Exp Avg Price fields or, you have the possibility to enter a price including tax in the Price incl Tax field instead. The Taxable check box must be selected to do this. Entering the including tax price will calculate the net price for you, and vice versa.
  9. If tax applies on part level, enter the appropriate tax code or tax class manually or by using the List of Values.
  10. If the company normally applies tax on parts but some parts never are subject to tax, you must enter a tax rate of zero (0).
  11. If the company normally applies address level tax but this sales part is never subject to tax, clear the Taxable check box.
  12. Click OK to confirm and close the dialog box.