Execute Transfer


Use this activity to transfer the product structures and routings created for estimate items to manufacturing.


System Effects



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Estimate window and use right- mouse button Transfer products... from Items/Product area. Now search for the top part from Transfer Estimate Products window.
  2. In the Transfer Estimate Products window select what type of transfer you want to perform by selecting one of the check boxes from Create Prototype Structures/Routings, Create Manufacturing Structures/Routings and Create Only Master and Inventory Parts.
  3. If you want to transfer only the new parts created in estimate and not existing modified parts, select Transfer Only New Parts check box.
  4. Enter a phase in date for the new structure/routings to be created.
  5. In the table in the middle part of the window, you can define new part numbers and descriptions for the estimate items. You can create a new part from an existing part by changing the part number.
  6. Save the changes.
  7. Right click on the header and click Execute Transfer.
  8. A background job is added for the transfer and the status of the window will change to In Progress.
  9. If there are no errors and the background jobs are ready, the status of the window will change to Transferred.
  10. If there are errors, they are logged into Estimate/Log tab. Logged errors should be resolved prior to re-transfer.