Define Override Sales Price for Deliverable Line


This activity can be used when it is necessary to set an override sales price for a deliverable line. This can be useful when the calculated sales price for a deliverable line is in need of adjustment. An example could be to get rounded figures. The calculation might end up with odd figures for the deliverable lines which then are in need of rounding before continuing with the quote process.

The override sales price is defined per deliverable line and in the customer’s currency.


This activity requires that;

System Effects

 An Override Sales Price/Curr is defined for a deliverable line.



Related Window Descriptions



  1.  Open the Estimate window.
  2. Search for the Estimate ID with the customer connected with a version included that has a deliverable line which an Override Sales Price/Curr shall be set for.
  3. Click on the Deliverables tab.
  4. In the lower table put the cursor in the Override Sales Price/Curr field, enter override value.
  5. Save.