Cancel Estimate Revision


Use this activity to cancel one or more estimate headers. If the work with the revision must be aborted then it is possible to manually change to this status at any time; however, once in this status, no further actions are allowed to be taken. If the work shall be resumed after cancellation then is the way forward to create a new revision or estimate by copying.


This activity requires that an estimate header exists in status InProgress, PartlyCalculated or Calculated.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system cancels the selected estimate.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Select the estimate(s) that needs to be cancelled. It is possible to select a single estimate from the Estimate ID list via the Estimate window. In the Estimates window is it possible to select several records of estimates for cancellation.
  2. Right-click and select the option Header Status/Cancel. A dialog box appears asking whether to cancel.
  3. Click Yes