Spread Operational Mode Groups


Use this activity to spread operational mode groups from a parent object to its child objects in an object structure. When one or more operational mode groups are added to an object these groups can be spread down in the  object structure, if there are any child objects connected. This means that the operational mode groups of the parent object also gets connected to all its child objects. You can choose which of the operational mode groups that are to be spread to the connected child objects. There is also an option to select if the operational mode groups should be spread to serial objects as well.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the chosen operational mode groups will be connected to all child objects.


Serial Object
Functional Object
Work Order and PM Basic Data/Operational Modes
Work Order and PM Basic Data/Operational Mode Groups


Related Window Descriptions

Serial Object 
Serial Object/Operational Modes
Functional Object
Functional Object/Operational Modes


  1. Open the Functional Object or the Serial Object window, right-click in the window header and choose Spread Operational Mode Groups...
  2. In the dialog box Spread Operational Mode Groups choose the operational mode groups that should be copied to the child objects by selecting the check box Copy on the rows.
  3. Select the check box Copy to Serials if the operational mode groups selected also should be copied to child objects that are serial objects.
  4. Click OK.