Retrieve Location Map Positions


Use this activity to retrieve the position of a location using its address fields.


Map Positions should be added to the Service List for the business object type that is being defined on the Object Connections window.

System Effects

After the position of a location has been successfully retrieved or transferred, position objects will be created with a connection to the locations on the Virtual Map.

Position will be inherited to any equipment object connected to the Location. Position will also be inherited to any work order entered for such an equipment object.


Retrieve Location Map Positions

Related Window Descriptions

Retrieve Location Map Positions


  1. Open the Retrieve Location Map Positions window.
  2. Populate the window to obtain the list of all locations or query for an existing location (F3).
  3. In the Populate Filter field, select All, With Addresses or Without Addresses depending on how you want to sort the populated list of locations.
  4. In the Import Configurations group of fields, map the segments of the location address to the address elements they match using the Address 1-7 fields. For example, the Zip Code 114 51 defined on a location needs to be mapped to the Postal Code part of the address. Refer to the Address Class Microsoft documentation for more details.
  5. Click Retrieve Positions to retrieve the positions for the locations. Note: If positions for locations without addresses were attempted to be retrieved, the import of these coordinates will fail. Click Reload Failed Positions to obtain the list of locations for which the position retrieval failed. Assuming the address fields were properly matched to the location address, the reason for the failure of the retrieval is attributed to the address information on the location being incorrectly entered. Right click on the location and view the location information. Correct the address information as necessary.