Create Serial Object


Use this activity to create a new serial object. In this activity you only enter the mandatory object information, such as part number and serial number. You can also enter an object’s ID, or you can let the system create the object ID by concatenating the part number and the serial number when saving the object.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a new serial object is created. You can enter additional information on the object. 


Serial Object

Related Window Descriptions

New Serial Object
Serial Object Information


  1. In the Serial Object window, create a new record. (Alternatively, on an equipment object in the Business Object Explorer, right-click and then click Create Serial Object.)
  2. In the Object ID field, enter an identity for the equipment object. Optionally you can leave this field blank. After a part number and a serial number is entered, the identity is automatically created when the information is saved.
  3. The Site field displays the user's default site. Use the List of Values to select another site that the user is connected to, if appropriate.
  4. In the Part No field, use the List of Values to select a part number. The part description is then displayed in the Object Description field in the upper part of the window.
  5. In the Serial No field, enter a specific design or manufacturing number that is associated with the object.
  6. Save the information (F12).